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36th Guam Legislature FY21 Annual Staffing Pattern Position Title Rate Gross Gov Cont Grand Total Senatorial (915) Therese M. Terlaje Speaker 29.26 60,860.80 19,520.68 80,381.48 Tina Rose Muna Barnes Vice Speaker 26.59 55,307.20 9,019.14 64,326.34 . The part-time legislature is a recurring proposal that always hits a dead end. Proposed Rules and Regulations for Land Bank Program extinguishment of claims, award of just compensation. “I believe she’s acted in very good faith and tried to protect the people of Guam, but I still believe that all of policymaking and policy rearranging and exemptions from policy would benefit from consultation with the Legislature,” Terlaje said. Leon Guerrero on Excess Lands July 2, 2020. Lawmakers extended that initial deadline to 90 days through an amendment from Sen. Telena Nelson on Wednesday, which she proffered in order to grant the government time to develop a “battle rhythm” in terms of combating public health threats. The agencies that wrote to the Legislature stated that if Guam were to end the public health emergency, then it will be essential to identify local resources to support community needs. The Annual Community Contribution was recommended in §3.12.02 of QC No. utilizing a hybrid meeting format for combined face to face and virtual attendance. Most Guam senators never seem fond of this proposal but the Republicans don’t give up on this idea, hoping it eventually sees the light of the say. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (February 3, 2021 – Hagåtña, Guam) – Guam Memorial Hospital Authority (GMHA) has faced perennial nursing shortages for decades which have impacted the hospital’s ability to maximize bed capacity in its Acute, Emergency, and Clinical Areas. GEDA would also retain $200,000 annually from the GRMC community contribution, which could still be disbursed to various non-profits on-island through the Qualifying Certificate Community Contribution Grant Program. Bill 15-36 was introduced exactly a year after Sen. Moylan introduced Bill 265-35 in the 35th Guam Legislature. More: Incoming Republican senators to introduce measures reducing BPT, suspending property tax. Additionally, DLM testified that they do not have a ready list of projects that aren’t in compliance with these conditions and the authority to enforce zoning resides with the Building Official at the Department of Public Works. Therese Terlaje will serve as speaker of the 36th Guam Legislature. When asked if the agency review process through the ARC should be bypassed to expedite the review by Senator Chris Duenas, a majority of the agency members opposed it. 42-36 (COR), The GMHA Nurse Recruitment and Retention Act of 2021, authored by Health Oversight Chair, Speaker Therese Terlaje and co-sponsored by Senator Joe San Agustin, had its public hearing today under the Committee on Appropriations. Bill No. 48-34 (LS) Relative to observing Women’s History Month: 03/15/17, Farmer’s Resolution Presentation: 02/28/17, Astumbo Elementary Kaddon Pika Challenge: 2/16/17, Respect the Chamorro People Rally: 4/7/17, Public Hearing 3/28/17: Confirmation Hearing Joseph Certeza, Joseph Franquez, and Bill No. The Republican leadership of the 36th Guam Legislature has introduced Resolution 19-36 with the intent of assuring that the standing rules of the current legislative body provide for equal opportunities when it comes to lawmakers being able to do the very jobs, they were elected by … The Chairperson of the Board estimated that approximately $827,000 is needed annually to increase the 16% differential pay for RN and LPNs to 22%. Each year GMHA loses nurses due to transfer to off-island and on-island public or private entities or retirement, and is forced to recruit at higher costs from off-island. This is the first supermajority Guam Legislature since the 30th Guam Legislature. Home Tags 36th Guam Legislature. Until we reach herd immunity nationally and internationally a true public health emergency will exist.”. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (February 24, 2021 – Hagåtña, Guam) – Bill No. Speaker Therese Terlaje proposed to maintain renewals at 30 days, and while she generally supported the intent of the bill, she also asked that the findings be deleted from the measure., 21-GCA-Chapter-80-Guam-Ancestral-Lands-Commission, 2019-GEDA-REPORT-_Potentially-Releasable-Federal-Lands, 2018-Potentially-Releasable-Federal-Lands-Final-Draft. Ms. Cruz will be going on her 6th term as the Legislature’s CFO. An initial emergency declaration lasts 30 days before expiring unless renewed by the governor, or the Legislature – if Bill 11 becomes law. It was also clear during discussions on the Nurse Licensure Compact that improving pay and the work environment for nurses needed to be addressed concurrently with the implementation of the Compact to stave off potential out-migration of nurses. Welcome to the Guam Legislature Archives. There are generally five steps in the GLUC process beginning with the Preliminary Application Interview (PAI), then the Application Review Committee position statements, the Municipal Public Hearing, the Municipal Planning Council public hearing if necessary, followed by the GLUC public meeting and action (approval or disapproval). Speaker Terlaje acknowledged that the agencies are adapting to public health mandates and stated, “We currently have between 40 to 50 applications of different types pending from last year and moving through the process and we know these projects represent millions of dollars in investment. “There appears to be some progress, but I want to find more ways to assist the Commission and all agencies tied into this process, to make it a more timely and precise process, that nurtures development and investment while not compromising the safety of the community and our resources,” stated the Speaker. Financial Officer for the 36th Guam Legislature. [S]o it does have provisions in here that protect the rights of those individuals.”. In the 2018 Guam election, the Democratic Party of Guam won a supermajority. 10-34 (COR): 03/14/17, Presentation on Resolution No. The 36th Guam Legislature has eight women and seven men. During his tenure in the Guam Legislature, Senator Charfauros dedicated his time and work in sponsoring laws that established a vehicle registration notification program, renovated the Inarajan Pool, reserved land for Inarajan Junior High School, provided assistance to non-profit corporations organized for the furtherance of the CHamoru culture, paid public safety officers their overtime pay, provided uniforms, supplies, and equipment for the Police Reserve Command, completed the construction of Agat Junior High School, installed adequate waterlines and pumps in Talofofo, and established a policy for the orderly planned growth of tourism to result in the maximum benefit to the people of Guam. To: All Senators, Stakeholders and Media, From: Speaker Therese M. Terlaje, Chairperson, Committee on Health, Land, Justice and Culture, Subject: NOTICE of Hybrid Public Hearing – Thursday, April 8, 2021 beginning at 3:00 PM. Click here for Speaker Terlaje’s Remarks on Bill No. Even if the bill passes, the governor has been against the measure, stating that it violates the separation of powers doctrine and could undermine responses to an emergency. The hearing will be held in the Public Hearing Room at the Guam Congress Building, as well as utilizing the Guam Legislature’s virtual meeting platform, for the following agenda items: § Oversight Hearing on the Guam Ancestral Lands Commission, to receive updates on: A. However, as discussed during the hearing, certain agencies, despite diligent efforts, have not been able to meet that deadline due to other agency priorities, staffing shortages or the need for complex and technical reviews for certain projects. The inauguration ceremony for the 36th Guam Legislature was held Monday morning. The 36th Guam Legislature is the current meeting of the Guam Legislature. Dr. Anita Enriquez, Chair for the Guam Land Use Commission, advised that GLUC meetings have resumed twice monthly since November. The 36th Guam Legislature is the current meeting of the Guam Legislature. Watch Queue Queue. Recently, the GMHA Board of Trustees explored increasing the 16% differential pay for nurses to 22% in order to achieve parity at Guam Memorial Hospital with competing nursing salaries on and off island. Bill 39-36 proposes to give more authority to the Department of Land Management to enforce terms and conditions imposed by the GLUC even if the property is transferred. El presidente lidera el poder ejecutivo del Gobierno federal. Bill 11 proposes to remove the governor’s power to extend public health emergency declarations and place that authority into the hands of the Legislature. Members of the 36th Guam Legislature will be inaugurated Monday morning at a COVID-19-regulated ceremony at the Guam Congress Building in Hagåtña. This bill could close these potential gaps in the ability to ensure projects are compliant by creating opportunities at multiple layers to catch any violations and work with project managers to rectify these issues before it’s too late,” said Speaker Terlaje. Current proposals for Temporary Workers Housing Facilities are pending for the villages of Tamuning, Dededo, Barrigada and Mongmong/Toto/Maite. It convened in Hagatna, Guam on January 4, 2021, during the governorship of Lou Leon Guerrero's. 42-36 (COR), introduced by Speaker Therese Terlaje and Senator Joe San Agustin would redirect a portion of the Annual Community Contribution amount mandated in the Qualifying Certificate (QC) to GRMC to GMHA for the sole purpose of increasing the nursing differential pay at Guam Memorial Hospital Authority to adequately recruit and retain nursing staff at Guam’s only public hospital. She reported that action was taken on all items on the GLUC agenda, the fifth and final step of the process, and was mindful of delays occurring at earlier phases of the five-step process. The public hearing for Bill 14-36 (COR) is scheduled for Thursday, February 4, 2021 at 2 pm via Zoom. Meanwhile, lawmakers have advocated for additional information from the executive branch on its decision-making during the pandemic, which Bill 11 would allow by requiring the governor to seek the Legislature’s approval for renewals. Therese Terlaje unanimously elected Speaker of the 36th Guam Legislature. Of them, 11 are incumbents from the 35th Legislature, … Lawmakers could vote to end the declaration at any time under current law, but that needs majority support and there has so far been no such resolution on the table. D.Proposed Rules and Regulations for Land Bank Program extinguishment of claims, award of just compensation. The oversight hearing can be viewed on Youtube at the Guam Legislature Media Channel. The hearing will broadcast on local television, GTA Channel 21, Docomo Channel 117/60.4 or Channel 112-4 for Docomo customers without set top boxes. Follow her on Twitter @anumitakaur. The Oversight Chair of the Committee on Health, Land, Justice and Culture added co-sponsors on the bill during session including Senators Chris Duenas, Joanne Brown, Telo Taitague and Sabina Perez. The 36th Guam Legislature has eight women and seven men. 87-36 would authori... To stem the rising tide of drug abuse, Guam’s first line of defense needs the tools to deter illegal activity and ensure criminals don’t profit from their crimes. 14-34 (COR), Law Month Proclamation and Resolution Presentation: 4/21/17, Resolution Presentation: Alicia Limtiaco – 4/4/17, UOG Alpha Phi Sigma Induction Ceremony: 4/20/17, Leanna Salas and George Quichocho Wedding: 4/29/17, Public Health Laws Are Organic and Necessary To Protect the Health and Safety of the People of Guam, 04.07.21-For-Immediate-Release-Public-Health-Laws-Are-Organic-and-Necessary-, Notice of Ancestral Lands Oversight Hearing Thursday, April 8, 2021 beginning at 3:00 PM, Navy’s June 2017_Report to Congress_Net Negative_Policy_Guam, JRM Net Negative Inventory of Guam Land pursuant to 2019 NDAA, SECNAV Braithwaite Letter to Gov. It convened in Hagatna, Guam on January 4, 2021, during the governorship of Lou Leon Guerrero's. Each year GMHA loses nurses due to retirement, resignation, or transfer to other public or private entities on island or off-island opportunities. As a result, it is the first place in the United States to see each new day, which is why Guam is known as the place "Where America's Day Begins. Introduced by Senator Mary Camacho Torres, Senator Telena C. Nelson, and Vice Speaker Tina Muña Barnes, Bill No. That may prove difficult as budget cuts were adopted due to reduced revenue expectations and even then, fiscal year 2021 is tracking to end with a shortfall. Krystal Paco-San Agustin, the governor’s spokeswoman, said federal aid packages are being provided “because every state and territory is in a public health emergency.”, “Every state and territory has responded differently and the effects on each community (are) different. Watch Queue Queue The 36th Guam Legislature was sworn in Monday morning at the Guam Congress Building, with promises to rebuild the island and foster partnership across political divides. “I extend my most sincere condolences to the Charfauros family. Often the GLUC imposes conditions or covenants to address concerns about projects that were brought up at municipal public hearings or through the regulatory agency review process. Senator Charfauros was elected by the people of Guam to serve our island in the 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, and 17th Guam Legislatures from 1975 to 1983 and served as a member of the second Special Commission on Political Status from 1975 to 1976. The 35th Guam Legislature was the meeting of the Guam Legislature that was convened in Hagatna, Guam on January 7, 2019 and ended on January 3, 2021, during the first and second years of Lou Leon Guerrero's Governorship.. *Please bear with us as we work on improving the live video stream of our Legislative events. Guam Memorial Hospital Authority (GMHA) has faced perennial nursing shortages for decades which have impacted the hospital’s ability to maximize bed capacity in its ICU, Emergency, and Clinical Areas. However, additional funding was needed to implement this recruitment and retention strategy. For more information, please contact Speaker Therese M. Terlaje’s office at (671) 472-3586 or via e-mail at . Bill 14-36 (COR) can be viewed here: 36th Guam Legislature inaugurated. Terlaje stated that “from all indications” the receipt of this potential funding is “not contingent on the declaration of a health emergency according to Chapter 19” of Guam law, nor would Bill 11 affect the receipt of those funds, she added. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. “All of our agencies, particularly (the Department of Public Health and Social Services), found their budgets drastically cut in the last session.”. Moylan, Ada, Duenas and Blas announced they will introduce a series of proposals known as the "Let's Get Guam Moving" initiative, focused on the island's businesses. Unlike other nurse pay bills, Bill 42-36 fully funds this increase. After the enactment of the Guam Organic Act in 1950, the First Guam Legislature was … FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (January 29, 2021 – Hagåtña, Guam) – Speaker Therese Terlaje, Chair for the Committee on Land, is inviting government agencies, Mayors and village residents where Temporary Workers Housing Facilities are planned to testify on Bill 14-36 (COR) AN ACT TO AMEND §61309(c) (4) (A) OF CHAPTER 61, TITLE 21, GUAM CODE ANNOTATED, RELATIVE TO FAST TRACKING GUAM LAND USE COMMISSION CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATIONS FOR TEMPORARY WORKERS HOUSING FACILITIES DURING PANDEMIC CONDITIONS OF READINESS. The measure proposes to redirect a portion of the GRMC Annual Community Contribution mandated by the terms of their Qualifying Certificate (QC) for the sole purpose of increasing the nursing differential pay at GMH. The Department of Public Health and Social Services approved a floor plan, allowing each senator to bring one guest into the session hall, according to a letter from the Legislature's central operations. After the necessary formalities such as the presenting of certificates of election, the senators of the 36th Guam Legislature took their oaths of office. 252 to be allocated to health care (priority to Guam Memorial Hospital and Department of Public Health and Social Services), Medicaid matching, MIP payments; public safety; economic development with a priority on the promotion of the medical industry and small business; higher education, and cultural preservation. The specific quarantine and isolation procedures being challenged (10 GCA Sections 19604 and 19605) give due process and an opportunity for a court hearing to those in quarantine and were set in statute years ago as necessary protections against arbitrary confinement and abuse of power. Watch Queue Queue. Identification of ancestral landowners of federal excess properties returned, designated for return, or requested to be returned to Guam pursuant to: • Department of Navy’s 2011Net Negative commitment and Navy’s June 2017_Report to Congress_Net Negative_Policy_Guam ; • JRM Net Negative Inventory of Guam Land pursuant to 2019 NDAA, • GEDA 2019 excess lands report and GEDA 2018 excess lands reports of potentially releasable federal lands (reports attached below); and, • SECNAV Braithwaite Letter to Gov. 39-34 (COR) and Bill No. The inauguration is scheduled for 10 a.m. Monday at the Guam Congress Building, with limited attendance due to the COVID-19 pandemic as well. This video is unavailable. 42-36, introduced last month by Speaker Therese Terlaje and co-sponsored by Senator Joe San Agustin, will be heard publicly on February 24, 2021 at 2pm at the Guam Congress Building by the Committee on Appropriations. Terlaje said she disagreed with the finding that the governor has acted “in an arbitrary and capricious fashion” while using her authority during the COVID-19 pandemic. Thank you for visiting. Because these conditions are difficult to enforce after a project is completed, the measure would amend the law to increase the Department of Land Management’s (DLM) role in ensuring compliance at three additional stages: during the building permit phase, at the certificate of occupancy phase, and at the approval of business licenses. “Even the CNMI who has not had any community spread of COVID-19 for months is still in a state of emergency. The 36 th Guam Legislature is represented by Legislative Counsel, Ana Won-Pat Borja, Esq. 42-36 (COR): Speaker Terlaje discusses Bill No. To watch the full public hearing, click below: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (February 21, 2021 – Hagåtña, Guam) – Bill No. Mr. San Agustin had been instrumental in the opening of the historic Guam Congress Building. In conclusion, the Legislature asserts that the Islan Guåhan Emergency Health Powers Act is critical policy, consistent with the Organic Act of Guam and requests that the Court reinforce the Legislature’s power granted by the Organic Act to enact law necessary to protect the health, safety, and general well-being of the people of Guam. The senators attended a Mass of Blessing at 9:30 a.m. Sunday at Dulce Nombre de Maria Cathedral Basilica. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (April 7, 2021 – Hagåtña, Guam) – On Tuesday, April 6, 2021, the Guam Legislature filed a response brief in the Declaratory Judgment case brought by the Governor originally alleging that challenges to her quarantine orders were unconstitutional and that Guam’s Public Health Emergency laws are inorganic. The discretion of these funds would fall under the purview of GEDA. Unlike other nurse pay bills, this Bill 42-36 fully funds an increase in GMH nurse differential pay to 22% in order for GMH to better compete with nursing salaries on and off island . Guam Legislature - Public Law Archive The following list of Public Laws are currently available in electronic format. Leon Guerrero on Excess Lands July 2, 2020. All 15 senators have served in the Legislature before. For individuals wishing to provide live testimony via videoconferencing, please contact our office by email at to register or call 671-472-3586 by COB on Wednesday, February 3, 2021. Please indicate if you will be attending the hearing physically or virtually. "3 Surrounded by coral reefs, Guam sits on the edge of the M… Hafa adai! Land Management Director Joe Borja recognized that most agencies have timely submissions of their position statements, however, he noted that the Bureau of Statistics and Plans, Guam EPA and Department of Agriculture have submitted statements after 60 days. Registration deadline is 5:00PM on Wednesday, April 7, 2021. reducing the business privilege tax from 5% to 4%; placing a two-year suspension on the property tax increase for those improvements valued at $1 million or more, with the only exception individual homes valued at more than $1 million; and. “Bill 42-36 provides a 15-year funding bridge for the government of Guam and GMH to build a more sustainable model for patient care which starts with keeping local nurses on Guam,” stated Speaker Terlaje. The Legislature also notes that the 26th Guam Legislature deemed the provisions reasonable, when the law was enacted in 2003, with the primary goal of controlling serious health threats and balancing that with individual civil liberties and ensuring access to due process. Of them, 11 are incumbents from the 35th Legislature, and four are former senators: Ada, Blas, Duenas and Brown. Kelly Marsh was the only incumbent that failed to secure a seat in the 36th Guam Legislature. 42-36 (COR) would redirect to GMHA a portion of the GRMC Annual Community Contribution mandated by the GRMC Qualifying Certificate (QC) for the sole purpose of increasing the nursing differential pay at Guam Memorial Hospital Authority to adequately recruit and retain nursing staff at Guam’s only public hospital. Recently, the GMHA Board of Trustees have explored increasing the 16% differential pay for nurses to 22% in order to achieve parity at Guam Memorial Hospital with competing nursing salaries on and off island but were lacking a funding source to implement this recruitment and retention strategy. 36th Guam Legislature Archives - PNC News First. Guam, the largest among the thousands of small western Pacific islands that are collectively known as Micronesia, is located in the Pacific Ocean about three-fourths of the way from Hawaii to the Philippines.1,2 The island has been a U.S. territory since 1898, and it is close to the International Date Line. Written testimony may be delivered to the Office of Speaker Therese M. Terlaje at 163 W Chalan Santo Papa, Hagåtña, Guam 96910 or via email to Guam has operated under an emergency declaration since March 2020, but concerns have mounted with the extended declaration, particularly as some businesses find themselves restricted more than others. Stay connected by signing up for PDN's text alerts. The agencies continue to operate with assistance from the federal government, through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act as well as reimbursements from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, according to the joint testimony. = Protocol Officer/Facilities Manager: Mr. Joe R. San Agustin will be serving as the Protocol Officer and Facilities Manager. It gives GMH more tools and is a step in the right direction towards recruitment and retention of nurses which is sorely needed to find real solutions to our nursing shortage. The Speaker added: “On behalf of the 36 th Guam Legislature and the people of Guam, we extend a sincere Un Dångkulu na Si Yu' os Må' ase’ to the late Honorable Sen. Michael Reidy and his … The Legislature’s Brief asserts that the Governor’s powers are subject to the laws of Guam, even in her supervision of healthcare and quarantine. If you do not see the Public Law you are looking for within the following lists, please contact the Clerk of the Legislature or call (671) 472-3465 (Updated: March 1, 2017) FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (February 2, 2021 – Hagåtña, Guam) – On behalf of the Guam Legislature, we join the people of Guam and the family of former Democratic Senator Edward T. Charfauros in mourning his passing. The projects range from approval for conditional use, variances, zoning, and subdivisions among others. In honor of Airport Week and their 42nd anniversary, Senator Frank B. Aguon, Jr. presented a Legislative Resolution to the Antonio B. With particular concerns raised about housing for temporary workers for construction projects in the near future, Chief Planner Cruz advised that there are three temporary workforce housing conditional use applications in the first stage of the process requiring review by DLM, one that is pending ARC action, and two that are pending a municipal public hearing. The local government may receive another $661 million in federal aid through the third round of federal COVID-19 aid. “Perhaps most importantly, our ability to respond to COVID-19 is contingent on continued funding of our response effort,” the joint testimony stated. I think it’s a very legitimate question for the Legislature to be involved in because it is the Legislature who’s going to have to allocate remaining government of Guam funds as necessary to those not covered by federal funds.”. “I found it difficult to even track down the conditions of several projects, let alone monitor if those conditions have been met years later. Watch Queue Queue 36 th Guam Legislature Participates in Nationwide COVID-19 Memorial January 20, 2021 January 21, 2021 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (January 20, 2021 – Hagåtña, Guam) – The 36 th Guam Legislature commemorated the Nationwide COVID-19 Memorial on the front steps of the Guam Congress Building at 8:05 AM on Wednesday, January 20, 2021. Ancestral Landowners are invited to provide live testimony. ALL DOCUMENTS FOR THIS OVERSIGHT HEARING CAN BE ACCESSED AT THE HYPERLINKS ABOVE OR THROUGH ATTACHMENTS BELOW. Bill No. amending the gross threshold of the limited exemptions of the business privilege tax enacted by the 35th Guam Legislature, from $250,000 to $500,000. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Individuals in need of assistance or accommodations should also contact the Office of Speaker Therese M. Terlaje. There are many examples of projects that despite media and community outcry have not followed through on the conditions placed on them by the GLUC. Bill 14-36 (COR) is sponsored by Senator Joe San Agustin and proposes to waive the following steps in the regular GLUC permitting process for Temporary Workers Housing Facilities during a pandemic: o Department of Parks and Recreation and Historic Preservation Office. Director Borja added that there were 22,000 previously approved temporary workers housing units but less than 3000 have been built. “The nursing shortage at GMH has been well documented for years, underscoring the need for long-term solutions that incentivize filling and maintaining these crucial positions at our only public hospital. In addition, the Bureau of Statistics and Plans Coastal Management Program also testified at the public hearing that there is no clear mechanism to enforce compliance for stormwater management and environmentally based requirements other than directly through the Territorial Seashore Protection Commission, which is the Guam Land Use Commission, and asked that TSPC enforcement be strengthened as well. While this bill does not raise wages for all nurses on island, it does prioritize GMH and ensures there is a viable funding source to pay for this long overdue increase. Incoming Republican senators to introduce measures reducing BPT, suspending property tax, Your California Privacy Rights/Privacy Policy. Democrats claim eight seats, with Republicans securing seven. We cannot afford to lose our local nurses to off-island opportunities and must attract and retain our most talented nurses in order to provide the best patient care possible for our community,” stated Speaker Terlaje.
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