xerneas attacken pokémon go

Hier aufgeführt sind die Pokémon, welche am meisten von der oben genannten Attackenkombination profitieren. You’ll definitely want to try to defeat and catch one to use to fight Yveltal, the Legendary Dark and Flying type Pokémon which will be hitting raids right after the event ends. Darkrai kann in Pokémon Go diese verschiedenen Attacken lernen: Mögliche Sofort-Attacken: Tackle (Normal) Zen-Kopfstoß (Psycho) Mögliche Lade-Attacken: … Xerneas is making its Pokémon Go debut in Legendary Raids during the Luminous Legends X event from May 4-18. Och wann fir déi meescht Benotzer déi grouss Neiegkeet d'Aféierung vun Xerneas ass a vill froe sech wéi se et fäeg wärte fänken während dëse bal zwou Wochen vum Event. Drache: Xerneas: Nicht Sehr Effektiv (x0.39) Kampf Käfer Unlicht: Nicht Sehr Effektiv (x0.62) Gift Stahl: Sehr Effektiv (x1.60) Sofort-Attacken Erklärung Trainerkampf-Werte. Following Xerneas’s recent arrival in Pokémon GO, the Legendary Pokémon Yveltal will soon be making its Pokémon GO debut in the Luminous Legends Y event! The Season of Legends is heating up in Pokémon GO with the arrival of Xerneas as part of the Luminous Legends X event. For the fast attack on Xerneas, players should use Zen Headbutt. The legendary species boasts a well-rounded stat allocation, making it viable on both attack and defence. Xerneas Base Stat Max CP: 5104; Attack: 275; Defence: 203; Stamina: 270; Apart from this, the makers have currently been working on their popular mobile game Pokemon Go. Um seinem Namen gerecht zu werden, hat sich die Staffel der Legenden vom Trio Thundurus, Tornadus und Landorus der Kräfte der Natur entfernt und konzentriert sich nun auf eine andere […] in Pokémon Ultrasonne und Ultramond. Juli bis zum 18. Xerneas is a new legendary Pokémon that you can catch in Pokémon Go. By Phillip Martinez Published May 19, 2021 Xerneas was introduced in 2013's Pokémon X and Y and was the … Der Basis-Statuswert eines Pokémon kann zwischen 1 und 255 liegen. Xerneas is making its debut to Pokémon Go during the Luminous Legends X event. Luminous Legends X Event Details. Xerneas is Pokemon Go's unfortunate new poster-child for unfulfilled potential, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it's a cake-walk to take down. The event will be starting on May 4 at 10 AM in your local time … So, is Xerneas better than Yveltal in Best moveset for Xerneas The best moves for Xerneas are Tackle and Giga Impact when attacking Pokémon in Gyms. Xerneas Raid Counters. Xerneas was introduced in 2013's Pokémon X and Y and was the first Fairy-type Legendary introduced to the franchise.Since its release, Xerneas has been a staple in competitive Pokémon battling in its various formats. Attack With Physical Moves. Heute Dienstag um 10 Uhr startet das Illuminierende Legenden X- Event. and as things go, there is a huge debate among players as to who among the two legendaries is better. During the Luminous Legends X event, the following Pokémon will be hatching from 7 km Eggs: Cleffa, Igglybuff, Azurill, Gible, Spritzee, and Swirlix. Here are the Xerneas Raid counters in Pokémon GO. You’ll definitely want to try to defeat and catch one to use to fight Yveltal, the Legendary Dark and Flying type Pokémon which will be hitting raids right after the event ends. Luminous Legends X: From Tuesday, May 4, 2021, to Monday, May 17, 2021, the Legendary Pokémon Xerneas will be making its Pokémon GO debut! Starting Tuesday, May 4, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. local time the Luminous Legends X event will begin bringing the Legendary Pokémon Xerneas to Tier 5 Raids. Xerneas ist außerdem das Cover-Pokémon von Pokémon X. Dëst Event fänkt haut de 4. In reality, this Fairy-type Legendary Pokemon is a big softie. Die Dauer ist in Sekunden angegeben. And in raids, Xerneas will be joined by Dragon-type and Fairy-type Pokémon like Alolan Exeggutor and more. Es wurde ursprünglich in der Kalos-Region entdeckt. Xerneas kann sich in Pokémon GO weder aus einem Pokémon entwickeln, noch kann es sich weiterentwickeln. Xerneas ist vom Typen , wodurch es eine Schwäche gegenüber Attacken der Typen und aufweist. Mit diesen Attacken kann dieses Pokémon seine Energie aufladen. Pokémon Ultrasonne und Ultramond Pokémon Sonne und Mond Pokémon Omega Rubin und Alpha Saphir Pokémon X und Y. Xerneas ist ein Pokémon. Xerneas and Yveltal along side the Pokémon GO logo. Xerneas ist ein legendäres Pokémon vom Typ , welches seit der 6. It has 250 Attack, which puts it … However, in Pokémon GO, the Legendary doesn't seem to have the same impact on battling as its VGC counterpart. Note that you will be able to evolve Sliggoo … They were first introduced into the game several months ago and as the weeks have gone by, Niantic continues to slowly drop new ones into the mix. Xerneas erlernt auf diese Weise in der sechsten Generation keine Attacken. However, while Xerneas might be a Legendary […] Außerdem erscheinen verschiedene Pokémon der Typen Drache und Fee häufiger in der Wildnis. Vielender Donner Mondgewalt Nahkampf Gigastoß. Xerneas ist endlich in Pokemon GO und als Legendär müssen die Spieler es innerhalb eines Raids kontern und besiegen.Werbung Obwohl Generation VI Ende 2020 in Pokemon GO eingeführt wurde, wird Xerneas als erster Legendär dieser Generation seinen Weg ins Spiel finden. nachdem Xerneas vor Kurzem in Pokémon GO aufgetaucht ist, wird beim Illuminierende Legenden Y-Event auch das Legendäre Pokémon Yveltal zum ersten Mal erscheinen! It's Fairy-typing would be very useful in the Ultra League as long as it had the right moves to go along. Die Konter für Xerneas in Pokémon GO sind wichtig, damit ihr den legendären Boss aus Gen 6 besiegen könnt. They recently added a new feature called tagging and fans are asking a lot of questions related to the game. In der Wildnis sind zudem Drachen- und Fee-Pokémon häufiger anzutreffen. You’ll definitely want to try to defeat and catch one to use to fight Yveltal, the Legendary Dark and Flying type Pokémon which will be hitting raids right after the event ends. Moveset & Best … Pokemon GO trainers can start preparing for Xerneas Battle Raids right now with this list of the best counters for the Legendary Fairy-type fight. Pokemon GO's Luminous Legends X activities has made Xerneas the star of the event. Mit Attacken der Typen , , und solltest du Xerneas jedoch nicht attackieren, da es eine Resistenz dagegen besitzt. Xerneas will make its Pokémon GO debut in five-star raids! Generation ins Spiel. Xerneas has been a part of the Pokemon franchise since Generation VI, being introduced as the Fairy-type Legendary in the Pokemon X & Y. Xerneas appears as a giant stag-like Pokemon with four enormous pairs of antlers, and can change its coloration based on two differing modes; Neutral and Active.. RELATED: Pokémon: 8 Things You Didn't Know About Yveltal Das Lebens-Pokémon Xerneas ist das erste legendäre Pokémon vom Typ Fee und sollte keinem Trainer fehlen. The release of one of Gen 6’s Legendary creatures comes alongside the launch of various Dragon and Fairy type species from the Kalos region. Pokémon Courtesy of Niantic Is Xerneas good in Pokemon GO? 1 Allgemeine Informationen 1.1 Aussehen 1.2 Verhalten 1.3 Lebensraum 1.4 Attacken … For Pokémon Go Fest 2021, Niantic is bringing back every Legendary Raid for one day only. Xerneas is making its Pokémon Go debut in Legendary Raids during the Luminous Legends X event from May 4-18. During battles in Pokémon Go, each species has access to a pair of moves with one being a fast move and the other a charge move. Es bildet zusammen mit Yveltal und Zygarde das Auren-Trio. Attacken: Sofort: Bürde. Hier findest du alle Informationen zu dem Pokémon Xerneas im Smartphone-Spiel Pokémon GO. Die Fans von Pokémon Go spekulieren im Reddit von TheSilphRoad über einen möglichen Teaser der PoGo-Macher dazu, dass das legendäre Lebens-Pokémon Xerneas im … Das hat zur Folge, dass Unlicht-Pokémon häufiger in der Wildnis erscheinen und Pam-Pam aus Eigenartigen Eiern schlüpft. Spieler können Xerneas während des Luminous Legends X-Events während eines Fünf-Sterne-Raids fangen. Der legendäre Feen-Typ Xerneas hat endlich sein Pokemon Go-Debüt in 5-Sterne-Raids gegeben, und du brauchst einige starke Marken, wenn du ihn abbauen und fangen willst. Xerneas hat in Pokémon X und Y keine Entwicklungen. Xerneas is one of the newest additions to Pokémon Go, available through a five-star legendary raid during the Luminous Legends X event. Credit: Niantic. Wir zeigen dir die besten Konter und wann du Xerneas herausfordern kannst. Attack: 275. If Xerneas can be obtained in the future through Research or other means, then it would more likely have a shot at Great League. Xerneas Raid Guide for Pokemon GO. Beginning May 4 at 10am local time, this event will see Spritzee, Swirlix, and Goomy making their Pokémon GO debuts. Pokebattler's Xerneas raid counters guide is designed to help you beat Xerneas with your best counters. It’s safe to say that the release of Xerneas into Pokemon GO was a bit of a disappointment. Dark-type Pokémon will also be appearing more often in the wild, and Pancham will be hatching from Strange Eggs. Xerneas in Pokémon GO. Xerneas is a Fairy-type Legendary Pokémon from the Kalos region. Dëst Event fänkt haut de 4. Statuswerte; Rechner Statuswerte. Players can catch Xerneas during the Luminous Legends X event during a five-star raid. Xerneas is making its Pokémon Go debut in Legendary Raids during the Luminous Legends X event from May 4-18. The Life Pokémon Xerneas will make its Pokémon GO debut during Niantic’s upcoming Luminous Legends X event. Fans wonder, however, if this Fairy-type Pokemon is worth catching. Mondgewalt (Fee), Nahkampf (Kampf), Donner (Elektro), Vielender (Käfer), Gigastoß (Normal) Schafft ihr es, Xerneas erfolgreich zu kontern und anschließend zu … im Pokémon News & Ankündigungen Forum im Bereich Pokémon Go Forum; Gut das sind 2. Fans wonder, however, if this Fairy-type Pokemon is worth catching. However, normal-type moves are currently the best selection on Xerneas. Every Legendary Pokémon embodies some kind of overarching element or concept. Er spricht davon 3 gute zu haben und weitere gute Meltan auf Halde. For months Trainers have been battling the alternate forms of Thundurus, Landorus, and Tornadus. This move combination has the highest total DPS and is … Schnelle Attacke. Xerneas is the title Pokemon that originated from Pokemon X.Currently, Pokemon Go is focusing heavily on 6th generation Pokemon so it's neat to see one of the title legendary Pokemon present in the new Pokemon Snap. Along with Yveltal and Zygarde, it is a member of the Aura Trio. Diskutiere Illuminierende Legenden X: Xerneas und einige Drachen- und Fee-Pokémon aus der Kalos-Region erscheinen zum ersten Mal in Pokémon GO! Unlike Xerneas, Yveltal is very, very good in Pokemon GO. Ihr müsst Herausforderungen bewältigen, um Belohnungen für die zweite Woche dieses legendären Events freizuschalten. It has two forms namely Neutral and Active modes. For two specific Megas to use, you will want to look at both Mega Gengar and Mega Beedrill, though you want to make … Pokemon GO‘s Luminous Legends X activities has made Xerneas the star of the event. Xerneas currently cannot compete in this league due to its CP being too high. Nachdem Xerneas vor Kurzem, neben einiger Drachen- und Fee-Pokémon aus der Kalos-Region, in Pokémon GO aufgetaucht ist, wird beim Illuminierende Legenden Y-Event auch das Legendäre Pokémon Yveltal zum ersten Mal erscheinen! Damit erscheinen zum ersten Mal Parfi, Flauschling und Viscora in Pokémon GO. Xerneas will soon be making its appearance in Pokemon Go.This guide will show players the best possible raid counters against this legendary Pokemon. Tipps & Lösung von Benjamin Jakobs , Leitender Redakteur News Xerneas is making its Pokémon Go debut in Legendary Raids during the Luminous Legends X event from May 4-18. However, while Xerneas might be a Legendary Pokemon, it is also a pure Fairy-type Pokemon and can be only utilized during certain battles. Fett hervorgehobene Attacken erhalten einen Typen-Bonus, bei kursiv geschriebenen Attacken bekommen die Entwicklungen und/oder alternativen Formen einen Typen-Bonus. MORE – Pokemon GO: The 10 Best Shiny Pokemon Available Right Now; Xerneas only has two weaknesses in Pokemon and they are quite interesting ones. This Pokemon Go event will run from May 4th, 2021 to May 17th, 2021 so you will have a limited time to complete the Xerneas raid. Bereits ab Freitag, den 16. You’ll definitely want to try to defeat and catch one to use to fight Yveltal, the Legendary Dark and Flying type Pokémon which will be hitting raids right after the event ends. Xerneas is one of the newest additions to Pokémon Go, available through a five-star legendary raid during the Luminous Legends X event. Das Pokémon GO Fest 2021 findet vom 17. Pokémon GO Fest Thunder Hour: Xerneas Raid Guide Mini. It does not evolve into or from any other Pokémon. Pokémon Courtesy of Niantic Is Xerneas good in Pokemon GO? Dat neit Event am Pokémon Go Et léisst eis mat villen neie Featuren, wéi zum Beispill d'Erscheinung vu gewësse Pokémon vun der Fee oder Dragon Typ an der Kalos Regioun. The event will be starting on May 4 at 10 AM in your local time … We have the Kalos legendaries, Xerneas and Yveltal, who embody the concepts of creation and destruction, respectively. Pokemon GO: Best Xerneas Raid Counters. Rainy Lure Modules will also make their appearance, and event-exclusive Timed Research will also be available. Am meisten anfällig für Xerneas. Xerneas is making its debut to Pokémon Go during the Luminous Legends X event. Pancham, the Playful Pokémon, will make its Pokémon GO debut in raids. Dat neit Event am Pokémon Go Et léisst eis mat villen neie Featuren, wéi zum Beispill d'Erscheinung vu gewësse Pokémon vun der Fee oder Dragon Typ an der Kalos Regioun. However, while Xerneas might be a Legendary […] Mai 2021 um 10:00 Uhr bis Montag, den 17. Xerneas wird während des Events in Stufe-5-Raids erscheinen, … Learn the best counters to battle Xerneas in Pokemon GO! With it, various Dragon- and Fairy-type Pokémon will be appearing more often in the wild, including some that will be appearing in Pokémon GO for the first time. Xerneas Weakness Pokemon GO. Des Weiteren feiert Xerneas sein Debüt: Das legendäre Pokémon ist in Raid-Kämpfen der Stufe 5 anzutreffen. In Pokémon GO, Xerneas is only available during the Legendary Raids that are occurring from 4 th to 18 th May 2021. Dex entry number 716, Xerneas is a pure Fairy-type species from the Kalos Region, introduced into the world of Pokémon … Lade: … Concerning Xerneas in Pokemon GO, there is good news and bad news. Mai um 10 Uhr […] Tackle Zen-Kopfstoß Hauptattacke. I'll show you how to evolve Spritzee and Swirlix into their evolutions Aromatisse and Slurpuff! Master League: 0 / 5. Xerneas, the life Pokémon, is the first Gen 6 legendary Pokémon to arrive in Pokémon Go.. On Sunday, July 18th, 2021, the second day of GO Fest in Pokémon GO, every Legendary Pokémon … PokémonMit freundlicher Genehmigung von NianticIst Xerneas gut in Pokemon GO?Die Luminous Legends X-Aktivitäten von Pokemon GO haben Xerneas zum Star des Events gemacht. Just taking a look at Xerneas makes it feel like a big imposing raid boss. Yveltal, das Legendäre Zerstörungs-Pokémon, setzt zum Angriff an und erscheint zum ersten Mal in Pokémon GO.. Das Ganze hat auch zur Folge, dass Unlicht-Pokémon … Pokémon Go Yveltal besiegen - Die besten Konter und Attacken Yveltal betritt die Bühne im Spiel. Mai 2021 um 20:00 Uhr Ortszeit stattfindet. It will be important in Pokémon Go because he will be much required when fighting Yveltal, the Destroyer in the Aura Trio, who will be available in raids after the event halts. Bereits ab Freitag, den 16. Durch Attacken-Lehrer The road to GO Fest 2021 has begun. Hatte Glück. Pokémon Go bringt die legendären Pokémon der 6. Xerneas is one of the legendary Pokemon available in Pokemon Snap.This guide will show players where they can find them. Darunter erscheinen einige ebenfalls zum ersten Mal in Pokémon GO. Xerneas will only be available in Pokémon GO from May 4 to May 18, meaning there's only a small window of time where you can catch this Legendary Pokémon.This is just one of the Legendaries that will be available in the game during its Luminous Legend X event, and if you're hoping to capture Yveltal, then you'll want to have Xerneas on your team to make that battle much easier. In Pokemon GO, we have lots of legendary Pokemon’s and each of them have a uniqueness to them. Without its signature attack Geomancy, Xerneas will have a hard time making an impact in Pokémon GO PVP unless its movepool is changed by Niantic. The good news is that its stats look strong. Xerneas is making its Pokémon Go debut in Legendary Raids during the Luminous Legends X event from May 4-18. Xerneas is cursed by its horrible moveset, to the point where it's completely unviable for PvP. Spritzee, Swirlix, and Goomy will be making their Pokémon GO debuts! Pokémon. Xerneas first made its appearance in Pokémon X which introduced … Xerneas is one of the newest additions to Pokémon Go, available through a five-star legendary raid during the Luminous Legends X event. Xerneas is a pure Fairy-type Pokemon, so the Legendary is limited in options. Starke Pokémon gegen Xerneas. Diskutiere Illuminierende Legenden Y: Yveltal gesellt sich in Pokémon GO zu Xerneas – und Team GO Rocket sorgt für Ärger! You can find the various stats of Xerneas listed below, Max CP: 5104. Xerneas: Attacken. Mai 2021 erscheint das Legendäre Pokémon Xerneas zum ersten Mal in Pokémon GO! Erfahrt hier, welche Konter die besten gegen Yveltal in Pokémon GO sind und welche die besten Attacken des Pokémons sind. The best Pokemon Go Xerneas counters are Shadow Metagross, Mega Gengar, Metagross, Mega Beedrill, Dialga & Shadow Scizor. Login to see your custom results! You’ll definitely want to try to defeat and catch one to use to fight Yveltal, the Legendary Dark and Flying type Pokémon which will be hitting raids right after the event ends. You’ll definitely want to try to defeat and catch one to use to fight Yveltal, the Legendary Dark and Flying type Pokémon which will be hitting raids right after the event ends. A legend will soon illuminate our world: Xerneas, the Life Pokémon, will make its Pokémon GO debut during our upcoming Luminous Legends X event! Durch Attacken-Lehrer Folgende Attacken kann Xerneas durch Attacken-Lehrer erlernen: Pokemon Description; Zacian: Ranking: ★★★★★ ・Behemoth Blade absolutely shreds through Xerneas with super effective STAB damage from Zacian. Die Typen von Attacken Gegen das Pokémon Wie Effektiv? Welche Attacken die besten für dieses Pokémon sind, kannst du dem Moveset-Abschnitt dieser Seite entnehmen. Dieses Legendäre Feen-Pokémon feiert sein Debüt in Pokémon GO während des Events Illuminierende Legenden X, das von Dienstag, den 4. Xerneas erscheint in Raid-Kämpfen der Stufe 5: Dieses Legendäre Pokémon vom Typ Fee zeigt sich zum ersten Mal in Pokémon GO. Lade-Attacken. Our research also shows that you can complete challenges to unlock rewards during … Alle Informationen zum Pokémon Xerneas. Ultra League: 0 / 5. This Fairy-type Legendary Pokémon originally discovered in the Kalos region has horns on its head that shine in seven different colors, and legends say it’s known to share everlasting life. Juli bis zum 18. In the mainline Pokémon games Fortunately, we here at iMore have everything you need to know to win this fight and add Xerneas to … Xerneas erhält einen Boost bei dem Wetter Bedeckt. Juli 2021, können Sie aber schon eine Belohnung erhalten. On Sunday, July 18, Xerneas will return to Raids, alongside dozens of other Legenday Pokémon. Xerneas is is a Legendary Fairy-type Pokemon first introduced in Generation VI. Och wann fir déi meescht Benotzer déi grouss Neiegkeet d'Aféierung vun Xerneas ass a vill froe sech wéi se et fäeg wärte fänken während dëse bal zwou Wochen vum Event. Das Pokémon GO Fest 2021 findet vom 17. With this being Xerneas’ first time in Pokémon GO, there is sort of a blank slate when it comes to Pokémon to use. It will be making its appearance in the Luminous Legends X event, which kicks off on May 4 at 10 AM in your local time. During battles in Pokémon Go, each species has access to a pair of moves with one being a fast move and the other a charge move. Sofort-Attacken: Zen-Kopfstoß (Psycho), Tackle (Normal) Lade-Attacken: Mondgewalt (Fee), Fokusstoß (Kampf), Donner (Elektro), Vielender (Käfer), Gigastoß (Normal) So stark wird Xerneas … With those kinds of inspirations, one would naturally assume that Yveltal would be better at breaking stuff, but that may not quite be the case. Xerneas has limited options on raising its physical defense outside of Max Steelspike, so attacking with physical moves will be the way to go to wear this Pokemon down. Illuminierende … im Pokémon News & Ankündigungen Forum im Bereich Pokémon Go Forum; War bei uns im Park und habe ca. Players can catch Xerneas during the Luminous Legends X event during a five-star raid. Besiegst du ein gegnerisches Xerneas erhältst du außerdem die angegebenen EV. Players can catch Xerneas during the Luminous Legends X event during a five-star raid. Best Pokemon to Use. The legendary species boasts a well-rounded stat allocation, making it viable on both attack and defence. The legendary species boasts a well-rounded stat allocation, making it viable on both attack and defence. Steht die Frage also immer noch im Raum Pokémon Ultrasonne und Ultramond Pokémon Sonne und Mond Pokémon Omega Rubin und Alpha Saphir Pokémon X und Y. in Pokémon Ultrasonne und Ultramond. Fans wonder, however, if this Fairy-type Pokemon is worth catching. 850.000 EP in der Stunde erspielt. Welche Attacken hat Xerneas? H auche deinem Pokédex in Pokémon GO neues Leben ein mit dem Lebens-Pokémon Xerneas! The best Pokémon are listed above of course, but you can always make things better by utilizing Shadow versions or Mega versions of the Pokémon listed. For example, the Kalos legendaries, Xerneas and Yveltal, embody the concepts of creation and destruction, respectively. Pokemon GO‘s Luminous Legends X activities has made Xerneas the star of the event. #094 Mega-Gengar. Sein Geweih leuchtet in den Regenbogenfarben und Legenden zufolge spendet es ewiges Leben. The legendary species boasts a well-rounded stat allocation, making it viable on both attack and defence. Juli 2021, können Sie aber schon eine Belohnung erhalten. Xerneas is making its Pokémon Go debut in Legendary Raids during the Luminous Legends X event from May 4-18. Defence: 203. A new Rainy Lure Module has been added to the game. The legendary species boasts a … Wir zeigen euch in der Übersicht die besten Angreifer, die ihr im Raid nutzen solltet. Es scheint jedoch, als hätte auch Team GO Rocket Wind von Yveltals Ankunft bekommen – und das … #904 Type Ability Hidden Abilities Mega Ability Gender ratio Catch rate Breeding Hatch time Height Weight Base experience yield Leveling rate EV yield Body style Footprint Pokédex color Base friendship Xerneas is a Fairy-type Pokemon. Mit der Veröffentlichung des Luminous Legends X-Events, das am 4. Juli 2021 statt. Daten, Erlernbarkeiten und Tipps im Pokefans-Pokédex. Fans fragen sich jedoch, ob es sich lohnt, dieses Pokemon vom Typ Fee zu fangen. Juli 2021 statt. Stamina: 270. Generation existiert. Pokemon Go will have tons of events dedicated to several Pokemon from the Kalos region. It’s still probably not worth using in the Ultra League, ranking 169th, but it’s now a major player in the Master League. Im Mai 2021 tritt in Pokémon Go zum allerersten Mal das Lebens-Pokémon Xerneas auf und kann in den Tier-5-Raids bekämpft werden. Zwischen 17:00 und 17:45 Uhr hatte es geregnet.

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