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On The Vampire Diaries Season 8 Episode 9, a new Miss Mystic Falls is crowned and Bonnie returns from Paris with a gift from Enzo which causes Caroline great concern. 1. Category page. Voir; 3x2 Vampire Diaries - Saison 3 Épisode 2 Only on The CW. 2. Two vampire brothers - one good, one evil - are at war for Elena's soul in the small town of Mystic Falls, Virginia. Saison 1 Episode 1 Titre original : Pilot Réalisateur : Marcos Siega Scénaristes : Kevin Williamson, Julie Plec Date de diffusion : 10 Septembre 2009 (USA) Audience : 4,84 M (USA) Résumé : Quatre mois après le tragique… Vampire Diaries France Le site fan français TVD, The Originals et Legacies. Vampire Diaries Staffel 4, Episode 1: Blutiges Erwachen. The Vampire Diaries serija sa prevodom gledaj online. 22 episodes 134 songs. Based on the series of books by L. J. Smith. Pastor Young gelingt es schließlich, Stefan, Rebekah und Elena gefangen zu nehmen. On The Vampire Diaries Season 8 Episode 9, a new Miss Mystic Falls is crowned and Bonnie returns from Paris with a gift from Enzo which causes Caroline great concern. Season 1. SONGS. The building of the school for supernatural children with funding from Klaus was nearly the best moment, but the real kicker was the final minutes. Accueil; Les 8 saisons de TVD. The Vampire Diaries tv series is a fantasy drama created by J.Plec (“Legacies“, “The Originals“) and K.Williamson (“Tell Me a Story“, “Time After Time“) which is broadcast on American The CW tv channel. 1144. 10 Season 5 Episode 11: "500 Years Of Solitude" In the 100th episode of the series, several beloved characters returned to say goodbye to Katherine Pierce. Nach ihrem Unfall bleibt Elena nur wenig Zeit, um sich zwischen einem Dasein als Vampir oder dem Tod zu entscheiden. Staffel von TVD für Dich zusammen. Click here and start watching the full season in seconds. Get 1 audiobook and unlimited Audible Original monthly downloads absolutely free. VIEWS. The story of two vampire brothers obsessed with the same girl, who bears a striking resemblance to the beautiful but ruthless vampire they knew and loved in 1864. Vampire Diaries, ou Journal d'un vampire au Québec, (The Vampire Diaries) est une série télévisée américaine développée par Julie Plec et Kevin Williamson.Elle a été diffusée du 10 septembre 2009 au 10 mars 2017 sur The CW aux États-Unis et en simultané sur CTV Two au Canada.. La série est librement adaptée de la série littéraire Journal d'un vampire de L. J. Smith. The Vampire Diaries | ''By the Light of the Moon,'' (season 2, episode 11, pictured) What happened: Tyler endured his first bone-breaking werewolf transformation in the Lockwood family cellar. Von der US-Serie Vampire Diaries wurden 171 Episoden produziert. View source. Popular Series. 3x1 Vampire Diaries - Saison 3 Épisode 1. Das spricht für eine neunte Staffel von „The Vampire Diaries“ Aktuell gibt es Theorien hoffnungsvoller Fans, dass "The Vampire Diaries" eine neue Staffel bekommt.Auch bei der Netflix-Serie "Chilling Adventures of Sabrina" kamen letzte Woche Gerüchte auf, dass die Serie doch noch weitergehen könnte! Vampire Diaries: Hier gibt's die besten Videos, Interviews und spannendsten Clips zu deiner Lieblingsserie. As Enzo continues to fight the control over him, Bonnie finds herself at the center of a deadly game and forced to make a heart wrenching decision involving two of the most important people in her life. The Vampire Diaries isn't afraid to kill off fan-favorite characters, and because of the violent nature of the show, many episodes can get heavy and heartbreaking. 10 ans depuis. 22 episodes 116 songs. After 171 episodes, The Vampire Diaries came to an end by saying an emotional farewell to the characters we had come to love for nearly a decade. Episode der 1. Pilot 42m. The complete guide by MSN. In a Virginia town hiding secrets, two vampire brothers -- good Stefan and the evil Damon -- compete for the love of 17-year-old Elena Gilbert. Bonnie versucht unterdessen mit Hilfe von schwarzer Magie, Elena endgültig ins Reich der Lebenden zu holen. Seasons. La liste des épisodes de Vampire Diaries (The Vampire Diaries), série télévisée américaine, est constituée de 171 épisodes. Die Episode "Liebes Tagebuch" ist die 1. Downloading of Drama, Fantasy, Horror series Vampire Diaries made easy, get video episodes directly to your smartphone, tablet, PC and Mac. Season 4. 23 episodes 154 songs. 1.2M. Die amerikanische Fernsehserie kommt auf insgesamt acht Staffeln. Season 3. Release year: 2009. Voir Serie Vampire Diaries Saison 3 épisode 15 streaming sur Sokroflix. Ask questions and download or stream the entire … ET. Find all 1240 songs featured in The Vampire Diaries Soundtrack, listed by episode with scene descriptions. Season 2. is the best TV Series source index, guide and best place to Download TV Series Episodes For Free. The Vampire Diaries Video: The exclusive home for The Vampire Diaries free full episodes, previews, clips, interviews and more video. The season picks up immediately after the events of the season one finale. Android, iOS and Mac Support. Staffel der Serie Vampire Diaries. Vampire Diaries Episode Guide. Season 5. Gledaj The Vampire Diaries online sa prevodom u HD kvaliteti potpuno besplatno. The Vampire Diaries, an American supernatural drama, was officially renewed by The CW for a full 22-episode season on February 16, 2010. The series gave us a peek at the happiness and peace that each character found after death. Die letzte Episode, die in den USA am Freitag, den 10. The Vampire Diaries (2009) Soundtrack 13 Seasons. As the show comes to an end, we remember its highlights By Samantha Highfill and Chancellor Agard. The 20 Best Episodes of The Vampire Diaries. Radnja serije ”The Vampire Diaries” vrti se oko tinejdžerke Elene koja se zaljubi u novog učenika, zgodnog i misterioznog Stefana, koji je ujedno i vampir. The Vampire Diaries Video: Watch the Vampire Diaries full episodes, previews, clips, interviews and more video. 22 episodes 180 songs. Watch The Vampire Diaries season 9 full episodes. Die Erstaustrahlung erfolgte am 10.09.2009. Vampire Diaries (Originaltitel: The Vampire Diaries) ist eine US-amerikanische Serie des Fernsehsenders The CW.Sie beruht auf der gleichnamigen Buchserie von L. J. Smith.Drehbuchautor Kevin Williamson war bereits für Filme, wie Scream – Schrei!, Ich weiß, was du letzten Sommer getan hast oder Verflucht und die Serie Dawson’s Creek verantwortlich. The first episode premiered on September 9, 2010, at 8 p.m. Reeling from the death of her parents, 17-year-old Elena becomes interested in a handsome new student named Stefan, who's hiding a dark secret. Première saison (2009-2010) Article détaillé : Saison 1 de Vampire Diaries. The Night of the Comet 42m. Start listening with a 30-day Audible trial. All latest episodes of The Vampire Diaries season 3 get free into your mobile! Nina Dobrev, Paul Wesley, Ian Somerhalder, Kat Graham, Candice King, Zach Roerig are the main cast. Episodes The Vampire Diaries. History Talk (0) Episodes and webisodes of The Vampire Diaries. Vampire Diaries Staffel 1 Episodenguide: Wir fassen schnell & übersichtlich alle Folgen der 1.
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