kliche bad saarow
Thanks. “Emily’s feelings have nothing to do with the way I feel. There was a dimple on his left cheek when she smiled or talked. Part 2 takes place after Reid has been kidnapped and the team are ensconced at Tobias Hankel's house. Of the others?” Emily repeated, furrowing her brows as she studied the angular lines of his profile. I love the moment when Cara's concern for Kahlan overcomes her bad mood. You will end like this? When she couldn’t find the woman JJ was talking about, she turned back at JJ. It read 12:03 AM. Kenz is staying at my place until she finishes her research.”. Morgan was flirting with Garcia as usual and Rossi and Reid were having a discussion with Emily. JJ hadn’t responded on Emily’s feelings yet; she still didn’t know how she felt about the other woman. “Seriously, Kenz, if you want to stay here, you’d better not go anywhere near my drawers!” warned Emily. That's very nice of you to say. But Emily’s feelings for you aren’t just normal, or are they? “Argh, that’s not fair! Before Emily could ask her what’s wrong, the blonde hung up. Emily wasn’t her lover; heck, JJ wasn’t even into women. If you are on a personal connection, like at home, you can run an anti-virus scan on your device to make sure it is not infected with malware. Morgan and Reid are going to have some drinks at the club,” the computer analyst asked. Haha. She couldn’t explain the sudden emptiness she felt in her heart when she knew that McKenzie would be staying with her friend for the whole three months. JJ had just gotten out of her office when she saw Hotch talking with a very attractive woman in an elegant suit. When your Dad is the most feared person in the Lost … At that moment, no one could stop jealous JJ. “What? request: JJ/female reader: JJ has a crush on the reader, but doesn't know that the reader feels the same way. JJ was still lying wide awake in her bed a couple of hours later. "I'll get the car," Hotch said, running away from his coffee. JJ stared at them without blinking. “So what really brought you here?” Emily asked, hoping to change the subject. I'm kinda slow lately. And she looked at Emily. :p. LOL! “And yes, my team is awesome. JJ stopped on her tracks. JJ’s question was not answered; she fell asleep before she could answer it. Elysium said. She never thought to see her old friend in the BAU. She had a perfect heart-shaped face with big green eyes, pointed nose, and a pair of full lips. Garcia knew something was off, but she didn’t press the matter – at least for now. Please put us out of our misery and continue this because there's alot you could do with it. It was JJ’s job to brief the team. “What woman?” she asked, looking out through the glass panel. Emily had given up on calling her and sending her text messages. a sequel!! This is the Criminal Minds Fanfiction Archive. That night JJ dreamed about Emily and a wide smile painted on her face – she was at home. That was fabulous but there's no way this can be a one-shot. EMILY POV My Great Unknown “No, no, don’t hang up,” Emily said as she entered her bedroom and closed the door behind her. “I’m heading home,” she informed her friend. Are Emily going to thank Mack for helping JJ that night in Afghanistan? “We’re so not talking about this, McKenzie,” Emily said in a low voice. She didn’t realize her thought was actually said until Emily replied to her innocently, “Oh, I didn’t tell you? JJ hesitated. She had seen the way McKenzie Adams looked at Emily, and she didn’t like it. LOL, I think all I need is a little time, and of course, a lot of dark chocolate *wink*. She would put the subject down – for now. “Oh, get lost, Kenz!” Emily’s voice was clear now. Garcia and Elysium quickly got JJ up and made their way out of the room. Let's face it, two hot babes in tight clothes with guns. It was a pleasant conversation and Emily actually missed talking and working with the woman again – McKenzie was a good friend and co-worker. Glad to see you back AR! I am not jealous!” JJ said it louder, hoping to stop the inner voice from saying more things. "But stop making suggestions then get all annoyed when I make a choice.". “McKenzie Adams! The press liaison muttered something unintelligible under her breath but she didn’t reply to Garcia’s question. Looking forward to her and Emily interactions. Thanks.. The team spent their time writing the reports. “What a waste of money,” Emily replied sarcastically, chuckling. Please tell me your writing a sequel or something LOL :), I am writing some kind of sequel or something. JJ had thought that McKenzie Adams was attractive when she first saw her; she changed her mind – the woman in front of her was stunning. Oh dear, what are you doing here?” The red haired woman took a step forward and pulled Emily into a hug. Dance of Death PG-13 Emily/Sofia Curtis CSI crossover - White coats and salsa. But she said she loved me, the other part of her argued back. “Do I love her?” she asked herself. Thanks, Lisa. Thx you for your wise advice. They have even made me a fitting bunny suit for that,” she replied. JJ felt like she didn’t stop rolling her eyes for … “I’d love to talk with you. JJ didn’t know if she should laugh or cry when Emily confessed that the woman couldn’t remember the food she had eaten earlier that day – JJ took it that Emily had been deeply engrossed in her conversation with Agent Adams while eating. Derek mentions, “I’m sorry I get jealous. If you are at an office or shared network, you can ask the network administrator to run a scan across the network looking for misconfigured or infected devices. Browse jealousy fanfics and stories. You are so beautiful and he’d be crazy to not like you.” JJ says. Hotch nodded at the woman. She hooked her fingers into them and slowly moved the offending item down Emily's toned smooth legs. She didn’t say anything. She hated that Emily could read her that easily – she hated how obvious she was in front of Emily. Plus it'll mean more reading of your writings, and that is never a bad thing. She laughed when Emily choked on her drink and glared at her. She wasn’t territorial on her job; she was happy if someone else was willing to do the briefing as it could be tiring at times. As part of my 3,000 follower celebration, I decided to go with something called SPREAD THE LOVE, where I highlight a fellow CM writer, gush about how much I love them, maybe say my favorite work by them, and if they have one, highlight a masterlist for all of you lovelies to see! Nothing more.” then places a kiss on his lips. Thank you! McKenzie stared at Emily with her bright green eyes for a moment. The older woman smiled back and waved at JJ to join them. You're not creeped out by the inner voices? Favourite cake? The woman was tall with dazzling auburn hair that reached her collarbone. Once off JJ sat at Emily… She had never felt so betrayed before. “Your team looks awesome.”, Emily smiled upon hearing the name. Jennifer "JJ" Jareau/Emily Prentiss; Jennifer "JJ" Jareau; Emily Prentiss; Summary. Poor JJ & Emily have to endure that long plane ride to Vegas... Chapter 3 The plane ride to Las Vegas was an agony for JJ and Emily, as these… I was just watching a stupid talk show on TV with Kenz,” Emily said. and I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge.. LOL! They never took it seriously, even though it could have sounded harsh to others who heard it. hope you do more w/them! So, when JJ and the reader hang out sometimes the reader will share something that Emily said. XD. • XXXX. JJ thought. Misdirection PG Emily/JJ No synopsis given. The problem was, she wasn’t too happy about the idea of Emily spending more time with the Adams woman than necessary. Complete. Please enable Cookies and reload the page. When she thought about it, JJ felt so selfish. To JJ’s surprise, Hotch had asked Emily to brief Agent Adams about everything. JJ had seen it multiple times before. She lay down on her bed, grabbing a pillow to support the head, and turned her attention back to the phone. McKenzie had always refused calling her with her real name since they knew each other back in the Academy. JJ was beyond irritated when she received no text messages from Emily by the time she finished working. “I just wanted to talk with you, but I see you have company. New Person. She smiled and shook her head. She always asks Emily to share stories about her travels. What on earth are you doing here?” the brunette exclaimed. I can't wait to read what happens next. :D I still think the story has no story in it, tho. JJ, Emily, Derek, and Rossi handed over 20 bucks to Hotch who smiled widely “We were betting on you,” Emily explained, “Hotch bet Reid would make the first move but you would initiate the kiss.” You giggled as Spencer just blushed further; From then on they would tease you two, but were so … the nature of fanfiction is that the reader has a pre-existing relationship with this world and these characters. :D. I'm very patient when I know such a great thing will come along :) You write good stuff so waiting is so not an issue. She waved at Morgan and returned to her office, not feeling hungry anymore. It was JJ’s job to brief the team. She will be here with our team for three months. What the..? Feel free to submit! Don’t they know you only answer to the highest bidder?” Sarcasm had always been their way of joking. It sounded like Agent Adams entered Emily’s room. Although during the day Emily had seemed content, even when Penelope had told JJ of Emily’s offer to … Emily had done everything for her – and JJ was sure the older woman would give JJ her arm if JJ asked her to; yet JJ never did anything for the brunette. She furrowed her brows into a deep frown and walked upstairs to her bedroom, glaring at McKenzie as the red-haired woman snorted and making faces at her. She would ask JJ later if the woman had calmed down a bit. Hanging up like that – Emily must be worried sick. “A second, Jayj,” Emily said to her. Maybe Emily had just faced death too many times and was reaching her breaking point, it happens to many good agents. Emily Prentiss is in the Military and Jennifer Jareau is an FBI Agent. dontshootmespence:. She didn’t mention her empty mailbox or hint that she felt a little bit... left out. Cast: Lee Jonghyun [CN Blue] and Choi Sulli [f(x)] | Support Cast: Jung Yonghwa [CN Blue], Choi Minho [SHINee] and Jung Soojung [Krystal f(x)] | Genre: Friendship, Fluff, AU and Ha… “JJ LIKES A BOOO-OOO-OY” Emily bellowed obnoxiously, devolving into nothing but giggles as she fell off her chair and onto Garcia’s hardwood floor. I don’t realize other people flirt with me because I am so madly in love with you, even if no one knows yet. The brunette hugged her back, grinning ear to ear. When Eunji gets close with her new coworker, Chorong has to face the fact that she may be jealous. Emily took JJ’s hand “I’m sorry we fought” JJ finishes her account of the night with a shrug and a huge yawn. She wasn’t territorial on her job; she was happy if someone else was willing to do the briefing as it could be tiring at times. By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement. You CANNOT leave it at that! Your IP: I will rec any pairing if I believe the story is well written. She had a perfect heart-shaped face with big green eyes, pointed nose, and a pair of full lips. Thanks for the brownie but i have to eat it later i am still grinning. Morgan glanced at her. “Guys, this is...” Hotch had begun to introduce them to the woman when Emily interrupted him. After waiting for all the other teenagers to leave, he walked home, only to find that his mother had not not… She's the one that left. Stale .. quickly .. right, so yes Ma'am, i ll eat brownies right away! It Only Hurts When I Breathe PG-13 Emily/JJ An epilogue of sorts to season 3, episode 17, In Heat, from Emily's point of view. JJ only caught a little of their conversation. The blonde was in a very bad mood when Garcia entered her office. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. “Hey, do you know anything about the woman who came with Hotch?” JJ asked when she had sat down. Who doesn't want to see that? And they look perfect together, she added sulkily. What the hell were you thinking, Jareau? Now all you have to do is figure out how to win Emily’s heart back. But it may take time - next week will be a bit crazy for me. “You’re not coming with us? She swallowed the invisible lump in her throat. 300 (Crack!fic / Drabble) Summary: The 300th episode of Criminal Minds finds Emily and JJ in a precarious situation. Emily explained how JJ usually picked the cases for them and she told McKenzie how usually they did the work. She is my friend, she justified herself. You can say anything to him only to have him quote it some million years later. Well, for me the pace of this part is not to slow. “I am not jealous!” JJ spat out angrily. Until now, a mocking voice added in her head. Emily wasn’t her lover; heck, JJ wasn’t even into women. LOL! Emily’s head turned to see who was coming. 814 likes. She is mine." =), The woman looked surprised. And actually, I have posted the sequel to this one a while ago. she thought. LOL! Emily Prentiss was a very nice woman and JJ enjoyed talking with her. Emily had done everything for her – and JJ was sure the older woman would give JJ her arm if JJ asked her to; yet JJ never did anything for the brunette. Tags fluff idollife jealousy slightangst seulrene . Kenzie can be so annoying sometimes. Hotch is a brilliant leader; Rossi is... well, he is David Rossi; Morgan is very reliable – I trust him with my life; Reid is awesome. Emily was always protective, and she understood JJ more than everyone else on the team. I say you should have Jane, JJ, and Liv duke it all out for Serena! To JJ’s surprise, Hotch had asked Emily to brief Agent Adams about everything. There, girl, you said it, the voice whispered triumphantly in her head and JJ wanted to drill her head that very instant. I'm currently in treatment at the moment. loved the jealous JJ! “I am not jealous!” JJ spat out angrily. The woman looked surprised. LOL, no! She missed Emily’s sweet messages, whether she’d like to admit it or not. They’re the best. JJ knew that Emily’s feelings for her were more than simply platonic – Emily didn’t see JJ only as friend; the brunette herself had admitted it a couple of months before. Emily groans realizing that she … JJ moved quietly around the kitchen and came back with glasses of water. When they had finished their meals, the two women headed back to the office and returned to work. JJ & Emily's Revelations Part 2. The rest of the day had been slow. The team spent their time writing the reports. JJ happily accepted the silent invitation even though she wasn’t eager to join in any discussions with the two men – heaven knows how boring it could be sometimes; JJ was eager to sit beside Emily. Yes, JJ didn’t feel territorial on the job, but she was territorial on Emily Prentiss. “Well, lady, you’re the one who called. She was staring.”. “So I know the basics on how you guys get involved in a case, but I need details on how the case got into your laps and stuff,” McKenzie changed the subject. JJ gasped audibly. There they are,” JJ said, nodding at the door as she saw Hotch walking into the briefing room; the woman was following him. I'm happy that boring series failed and Paget and JJ are now back in the original series. The brunette then called out to McKenzie, who was now invading her drawers. Appreciation page for ilovetvalot. Oh dear, what are. “I’m honoured to be welcomed to the team, Agent Hotchner,” the woman said, smiling. Welcomed to the team? “The name’s Emily, Kenz. The same voice laughed. She beamed, “Emily Prentiss! “Well, lady, you’re the one who called. I think she does, but he’s not interested. I'm planning of writing more, not in JJ's POV, tho. Complete. Thankfully for Emily’s pride, JJ left her alone to undress and shower herself. Summary: JJ gets a bit jealous but wouldn't admit it. :D *blushes*, Ah, credit given where credit due... but I will resort to shameless begging when left to wait too long ;).
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