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#1 New York Times bestselling author Julia Quinn loves to dispel the myth that smart women don't read (or write) romance, and and if you watch reruns of the game show The Weakest Link you might just catch her winning the $79,000 jackpot. It was very clever how Quinn left a little something out of the end of each novel to enable her to then write and publish this collection. 4⭐️- I really enjoyed these 2nd epilogues. But not just any family. I mean, it was nice to revisit beloved characters but I wouldn’t feel as though I’d missed out by not reading it. by HarperCollins. Is it worth it to buy a copy of this book? A question not directly related to this book but about the Bridgertons: Now that Julia Quinn has written the prequel novels about the older generation (among them Edmund and Violet), are any of the characters in the prequels mentioned in the main Bridgerton series? Once upon a time, a historical romance author created a family . Only two of the stories could be considered less than stellar. Then to my utter dismay, Julia Quinn made me cry AGAIN in two more of her stories. Available in used condition with free delivery in Australia. . “When He Was Wicked” lacked the usual humor so prevalent in Ms. Quinn’s books. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Through eight bestselling novels, readers laughed, cried, and fell in love. If we could compare this anthology to a fashion runway show, the critics might claim this individual outfit/story was well made and nice to look at, but did not quite fit in with the rest of the collection. The Bridgertons Happily Ever After (Downloadable Audiobook) : Quinn, Julia : Once upon a time, a historical romance author created a family . Penelope Featherington has secretly adored her best friend's brother for...well, it feels like forever. #1 New York Times bestselling author Julia Quinn presents a novella featuring Violet Bridgerton along with a collection of “second epilogues” to her Bridgerton series—her beloved Regency-set novels featuring her charming, powerful Bridgerton family—now a series created by Shondaland for Netflix. In accordance with Harris County’s efforts to stop the spread of the Coronavirus, all Harris County Public Library branches will remain closed to the public at this time. The only one I didn’t really care for was the one for It’s in His Kiss. This may be a silly question - but why do the books in this series have second epilogues? April 2nd 2013 Happily Ever After is a series of second epilogues for the Bridgerton series by Julia Quinn. Eight brothers and sisters, assorted in-laws, sons and daughters, nieces and nephews (not to mention an overweight corgi) plus an irrepressible matriarch who's a … . Summary. The second epilogue for Romancing Mr. Bridgerton was good as well, but not great. . Just in case I may enjoy it more now, I’ve put a hold on it at the library to refresh my memory. If you haven’t read this series, start now! 24 April 2013 4 September 2016. by Wandergurl. This was like visiting old friends. In it she mentions his two sisters, Billie and Georgiana, who are the heroines of two of her prequel Bridgerton/Rokesby books. Without giving too much away, this made me roll around on the floor laughing, but also brought tears to my eyes in parts, particularly the Violet novella. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published When she first wrote the Bridgerton books, JQ had no idea they’d be so successful. ISBN: 9780061233005. I especially liked the story about Violet and Edmund. So get to know the Bridgertons all over again—because Happily Ever After is a whole lot of fun. Set between 1813 and 1827, the Bridgerton Series is a collection of eight novels, each featuring one of the eight children of the late Viscount Bridgerton: Anthony, Benedict, Colin, Daphne, Eloise, Francesca, Gregory, and Hyacinth. And so the readers asked the author: what happens next? Eight brothers and sisters, assorted in-laws, sons and daughters, nieces and nephews (not to mention an overweight corgi) plus an irrepressible matriarch who's a match for any of them . ISBN-10: 0061233005 It’s been a while since I read this… but I remember being mostly underwhelmed. And I’m not wild about the miracle baby storyline for Francesca and Michael. If you haven’t read the Bridgerton books then definitely don’t read the 2nd epilogues because it’ll spoil things for you with the series. The Bridgertons: Happily Ever After. The families were so close knit that it wouldn’t be surprising to have a few aunts, uncles, and cousins mentioned. This is a collection of mostly previously published 2nd epilogues about the Bridgertons, with one new story about Violet. This collection was the most perfect ending to the series and I’m so glad I waited to read it at the end! But not just any family. If I could belong to any fictional family, they would be it, hands down!! (Jul) I am torn about this book. I seem to be in the minority, but I really disliked this book! . But not just any family. In Historical romance, Reviews, Romance. Without giving too much away, this made. The Bridgertons Happily Ever After by Julia Quinn. Does Simon ever read his father's letters? It is based on Julia Quinn's novels set in the competitive world of Regency era London's ton during the season, when debutantes are presented at court. Being able to see what the kids turned out to be and how they lived their lifes was fantastic! Of course, we do have the backstory for each one of these “second epilogues,” but this book far exceeded my expectations and made me want to go back and re-read each and every one of her books about the Bridgerton family. . When Daphne agrees to take part in a fake courtship with the Duke of Hastings, Simon Basset, love is the last thing on both of their minds. The Bridgertons: Happily Ever After Summary #1 New York Times bestselling author Julia Quinn presents a novella featuring Violet Bridgerton along with a collection of “second epilogues” to her Bridgerton series—her beloved Regency-set novels featuring her charming, powerful Bridgerton family—now a series created by Shondaland for Netflix. I love all the books in this series! The Bridgertons: Happily Ever After (Book) : Quinn, Julia : Continuing stories of the Bridgerton family. She displayed a decided lack of knowledge about baseball, country music, and plush toys, but she is proud to say that she aced all things British and literary, answered all of her history and geography questions correctly, and knew that there was a Da Vinci long before there was a code. When I discovered that it was not a novel, but eight “second epilogues” and a novella about matriarch Violet Bridgerton, I kept putting off reading it. Julia Quinn’s Bridgerton series remains one of the most beloved among historical romance readers, and this collection of “second epilogues”—stories that take place after the original books end—offers fans more from … The Duke and I 4 stars A sweet and heartwarming episode about an exceptionally happy marriage, with an even sweeter surprise. I was wondering who Billie was in Julia Quinn's new book Because of Miss Bridgerton. In Chapter Four, we get additional details about the elusive Lady Whistledown and other characters from Romancing Mr. Bridgerton, and in the next chapter we find Amanda Crane (Eloise’s stepdaughter from To Sir Phillip, With Love all grown up and having her own adventure. Available in used condition with free delivery in the US. Yes, it felt like a cop-out, if nothing else. Amanda Crane’s story is told in the first person while all of the rest of the stories are in third person. I am both chagrined and glad that I put reading this book off. Book Summary: Bridgerton Collection Volume 1 has descriptive copy which is not yet available from the Publisher. . To see what your friends thought of this book, Cause all the previous ones, every book had an epilogue to this one in conclusion makes up for the second epilogue to all the eight installmen. The best thing about this series: the family loyalty. Review - I really really loved this book. Quotes Add a Quote Some of the epilogues were ok (not good but readable) but some were embarrassingly the one for, #1 New York Times bestselling author Julia Quinn loves to dispel the myth that smart women don't read (or write) romance, and and if you watch reruns of the game show The Weakest Link you might just catch her winning the $79,000 jackpot. . That being said, readers who have not read all the books in the Bridgerton series would not fully appreciate the events and stories in this novel. This series has been insaneee. I found it to be so dark that I’m glad that I hadn’t read, Sir Phillip, or On the Way to the Wedding yet. I would recommend that readers wait until they have read all eight of the books in the Bridgerton series before tackling this one though. What she did in An Offer From A Gentleman was a big deal, and she so deserved her happy ending. Wonderful read. Eight brothers and sisters, assorted in-laws, sons and daughters, nieces and nephews (not to mention an overweight corgi) plus an irrepressible matriarch who's a match for any of them . See all 3 questions about The Bridgertons…, Hoopla Pick - January 4 - The Bridgertons: Happily Ever After, The Bridgertons: Happily Ever After (Bridgerton #9)by Julia Quinn START DATE: October 1, 2013. When I finish Regency romances, not just those of Quinn but also of Stephanie Laurens, I always want to know about their married life and children and this selection gives an insight into those sections. So get to know the Bridgertons all over again because Happily Ever After is a whole lot of fun. 9 The Bridgertons: Happily Ever After. While heavily pregnant with Amelia, she had asked him if she was radiant or if she just looked like a waddling duck. These are the Bridgertons: less a family than a force of nature. This book is for all of us who loved meeting each and every Bridgerton and revelling in their individual HEAs. Refresh and try again. It was very clever how Quinn left a little something out of the end of each novel to enable her to then write and publish this collection. 33 grandchildren and 5 great-grandchildren - geez - I feel oddly happy about this. Amanda Crane’s story is told in the first person while all of the rest of the stories are in third person. Cause all the previous ones, every book had an epilogue to this one in conclusion makes up for the second epilogue to all the eight installment(s). The Bridgertons Happily Ever After (Book) : Quinn, Julia : Continuing stories of the Bridgerton family.The Bridgertons are less a family than a force of nature. Ever wonder what happens after the Happily Ever After? Originally I read the whole series years and years ago, like 10+ at least, probably closer to 15… and I remembered it very fondly later, probably as one of my favourite series, specifically because of the family dynamics in it :) but it’s been a very long time since I actually picked one of them up… so when I heard about the Netflix TV show adaptation, I decided to refresh my memory about those people and reread all the books :) I figured I would read those novels fairly close to one another and, Originally I read the whole series years and years ago, like 10+ at least, probably closer to 15… and I remembered it very fondly later, probably as one of my favourite series, specifically because of the family dynamics in it :) but it’s been a very long time since I actually picked one of them up… so when I heard about the Netflix TV show adaptation, I decided to refresh my memory about those people and reread all the books :) I figured I would read those novels fairly close to one another and get it done in no time… oh, how wrong I was… because I reread the first book “The duke and I” and absolutely hated it :/ I have a whole long as fuck review full of cursing and ranting and spoilers about all my feelings about it (I will leave the link to that review below if you’re interested in more details) after that little disaster I figured I need a little break before diving into the sequel… but it’s been three months and I still have no interest in picking up that second book… at this point I think it’s like 50/50 chance that I will actually never read another novel in this series… and even if I do it will be a very long time… and I don’t want them to sit of my physical tbr hence this sort of review for all the rest of the books in this series :) do with it what you want ;). Start by marking “The Bridgertons: Happily Ever After (Bridgertons, #1.5-8.5; 8.6)” as Want to Read: Error rating book. I highly recommended starting with book one, to experience the magic that Quinn has created. They … I loved the Bridgerton series when I first read it and I still love it now. On the one's the Bridgertons - one of the best historical romance families ever written. . . Not only because I wasn’t quite ready to say goodbye to the Bridgertons yet, but it also helped ease the disappointment I felt from Gregory’s book too. I loved the Bridgerton series when I first read it and I still love it now. This was actually good in terms of getting into her head, but made it hard to develop the character of her love interest at all. $13.79 Shop Now. The Bridgertons, as part of a deliriously happy family with EIGHT siblings, would just have to feature in each others' happily-ever-after episodes. About the Bridgerton Series. The Bridgertons Happily Ever After (Book) : Quinn, Julia : Continuing stories of the Bridgerton family. His relationship with his children and wife was very touching and so sweet. He would have made so much fun of me and my tears). I think there’s enough in the original book to suggest that it could happen, just not as easily as it did for her siblings. It was Hyacinth and Gareth are adorable as always but the rest of the storyline was just stretched out too long. Oh, shit, the tears. A Retro Review:The Black Lyon by Jude Deveraux, The Last One Home by Victoria Helen Stone. The Bridgertons Happily Ever After (Paperback) : Quinn, Julia : #1 New York Times bestselling author Julia Quinn presents a novella featuring Violet Bridgerton along with a collection of second epilogues to her Bridgerton series--her beloved Regency-set novels featuring her charming, powerful Bridgerton family--now a series created by Shondaland for Netflix. Since the new copies of the series I have all contain second epilogues? . I don’t remember them, but then, I read the books pretty much as they were published so it was a long time ago. Bridgerton is an American streaming television period drama series created by Chris Van Dusen and produced by Shonda Rhimes. “Daphne...” His mouth moved along the line of her throat, and she felt herself melting. But when he returns from his stint abroad, Colin begins to see Penelope as more than Eloise's best friend. I did save the best in this lot of books for last. I love the Series and the Epilogues; I’m sorry to see the end coming. After all, they do so in the main story. But not just any family. All of the above stories were either good or wonderful, but when I got to Chapter 6 and read Francesca and Michael Stirling’s second epilogue from When He Was Wicked I actually cried (I am glad my husband was not in the room at the time. It really feels bittersweet ending it officially now with these "2nd epilogues." The Bridgertons: Happily Ever After (Downloadable Audiobook) : Julia, Quinn : Once upon a time, a historical romance author created a family . She displayed a decided lack of knowledge about baseball, country music, and plush toys, but she is proud to say that she aced all things British and literary, an. Honestly, I can objectively see that this book isn't going to be 5 stars for everybody - it's a collection of novella-length "second-epilogues" for Quinn's Bridgerton novels, for one thing, so anyone who hasn't read those books would be lost; and, objectively, a lot of these stories don't have really strong plot structures - they're more about the much-loved characters just hanging out together in later life, sharing lovely small successions of events together... Each story is an epilogue of sorts, updating readers on what is happening with their favorite characters after each of their books. Daphne and Simon snatch happiness from the jaws of defeat, but indebted Lord Featherington is dead, Marina Thompson accepts a duty-driven proposal to wed unhappily ever after… After reading all of Julia Quinn’s books in her Bridgerton series, The Bridgertons: Happily Ever After was like coming home and revisiting beloved friends and relations. It was a good story, just not as good as most of the other nine. I’m sure you’re right. I was particularly fond of the little Violet novella in this collection, and I also loved Hyacinth's story; how she finally found the hidden gems. Reread this book and in Violet’s story there is a flashback to her early relationship with Edmund. Title: The Bridgertons Happily Ever After: Author: Julia Quinn: Publisher: Harper Collins: Release Date: 2013-04-02: Category: Fiction: Total Pages: 384: ISBN: 9780062096531: Language: I have not read the books ´ coule semonce tell me The end of violet¿ how she does dies. ... Summary Add a Summary There are no summaries for this title yet. . Once upon a time, a historical romance author created a family . If not, read them as soon as possible so you CAN read this one. The next sees us reacquainted with Anthony Bridgerton and his wife Kate and the third chapter is dedicated to Posy Reiling, the stepsister of Sophie from An Offer From a Gentleman. “Simon...” He nuzzled her ear. Loved this, of course. Expand/Collapse Synopsis. The first chapter deals with Simon and Daphne Bridgerton Basset from Quinn’s The Duke and I. Buy The Bridgertons: Happily Ever After By Julia Quinn. Gregory and Lucy's epilogue was by far the least interesting. Continuing stories of the Bridgerton family. Notices Add Notices There are no notices for this title yet. I think short stories must be more difficult to write in order to get everything that belongs in the story and do it with a minimum of words. However, I am going to make a bold statement and say that I think this could possibly be the best yet as far as I am concerned. Published seven years after On the Way to the Wedding, Quinn penned this bonus edition of the Bridgerton series as an answer to fans who wanted an update on the siblings' marriages and subsequent children. I’d have liked a longer story for Posy and her vicar. It was a good story, just not as good as most of the other nine. Really only cared about Colin and Penelope's 2nd Epilogue so I was bummed their story didn't show them in the spot light in their epilogue. Other than that this was rather enjoyable and Violet’s small novella was wonderful. I must have been underwhelmed as well because I don’t remember the book at all. Your perfect romance novel match, that is. Since this particular story takes place 20 years after the end of the original, there are of course SPOILERS GALORE! This was actually good in terms of getting into her head, but made it hard to develop the character of her love interest at all. Are you worried you've missed your perfect match? But they wanted more. This had not been the correct answer.”, “He'd been waiting for a love fraught with passion and drama; it hadn't even occurred to him that true love might be something that was utterly comfortable and just plain easy.”,, Francesca Bridgerton Stirling, Countess of Kilmartin. I was in desperate need of this collection. I love this big family and their dynamics so much. only if you want to have the new chapter about Violet which is also included. Contents. I've really missed the Bridgertons and their colorful, spot-on quick banter. They get married and become writers. Published April 2nd by HarperCollins first published To Wed a Rake. Welcome back. It takes a lot to make me cry while reading a book, but this chapter was just so poignant that my emotions got away from me. Julia Quinn succeeds exceptionally well in this book. After 7 episodes of courtly intrigue and gorgeous ballgowns, Netflix's 'Bridgerton' wrapped up season 1 in a shocking finale — and we have questions. Midway through The Duke and I, Simon refuses to accept a bundle of letters written to him by his late estranged father. ISBN: 9780061233005. Bridgerton is Shonda Rhimes's first scripted Netflix series. . Only two of Julia Quinn’s Bridgerton books received DIK status here on AAR (although most received very good ratings). But that’s not surprising – I’ve always thought that the Prequels series was a recent plan and wasn’t conceived at the same time as the originals… I could be wrong. Happily Ever After is a lovely collection of second epilogues to the Bridgerton series. I needed cheering up. The Bridgerton series is a series of loosely connected, stand … When I finish Regency romances, not just those of Quinn but also of Stephanie Laurens, I always want to know about their married life and children and this selection gives an insight into those sections. Happily Ever After – Reads Blog rating: There is a lot of criticism about how baby-centric this book is. The Bridgertons: Happily Ever After (Bridgertons, #1.5-8.5; 8.6). The Bridgertons Happily Ever After (Book) : Quinn, Julia : Continuing stories of the Bridgerton family.
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