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In 1999, Dugin's publishing house brought out a volume of writings by the interwar emigre Eurasian writer, Prince Nikolai Trubetskoi. These contacts led to Dugin's "belated reconciliation" with the USSR, just as that state was approaching its final demise. As a result of a Grand Alliance between Russia and Germany, the two countries will divvy up the territories lying between them into de facto spheres of dominance. This is the talk page for discussing improvements to the Foundations of Geopolitics article. The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia is a geopolitical book by Alexander Dugin. China, he maintains, is a danger to Russia both "as a geopolitical base for Atlanticism and by itself, as a country with heightened demographic compactness in quest of 'no man's land'" (360). Dugin's Eurasian project also mandates attacking the United States through Central and South America. Concepts such as sea power, land power and the Heartland (Kazakhstan) will again play a central role in American political life. And as for the remaining parts of Georgia? Auteur: A Dugin Schrijf een review. comment. Niyazov is an ethnic Russian (formerly Vadim Medvedev), who converted to Islam in 1996. One perceptive observer of the Russian political scene, Francoise Thom, noted as far back as 1994 that fascism, and especially its "Eurasianist" variant, was displacing Russian nationalism among statist Russian elites as a post-communist "Russian Idea," especially in the foreign policy sphere. John B. Dunlop is a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. I’ll start here by declaring an important fact that you will … On July 26, 2001, the EPR, with branches in seventy regions of Russia, was registered by the Russian Ministry of Justice. It should be noted that on June 19, 2001, a rival organization of "Eurasians," headed by state Duma deputy Abdul- Vakhed Niyazov, held a founding congress for a new Eurasian Party of Russia (EPR). Aleksandr Dugin "Evraziiskaya platforma," Zavtra, January 21, 2000. Alexander Dugin, The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia (Moscow: Arktogeia, 2000), Chapter 2: Tellurocracy and Thalassocracy, PART I: The Founding Fathers of Geopolitics, Chapter 1: Friedrich Ratzel: States as Spatial Organisms, Chapter 2: Rudolf Kjellén and Friedrich Naumann: “Middle Europe”, Chapter 3: Halford Mackinder: The Geographical Pivot of History, Chapter 5: Vidal de la Blache: France vs. Germany, Chapter 6: Nicholas Spykman: Revising Mackinder and the Centrality of Rimland, Chapter 7: Karl Haushofer: The Continental Bloc, Chapter 8: Carl Schmitt: Behemoth vs. Leviathan, Chapter 9: Petr Savitsky: Eurasia, Middle Earth, Chapter 10: Geopolitics as an Instrument of National Politics, PART II: Modern Geopolitical Theories and Schools from the Mid-Late 20th Century, Chapter 5: The Geopolitics of the European New Right, BOOK II: The Geopolitical Future of Russia, Chapter 1: The Need for a Radical Alternative. As Verk-hovskii and Pribylovskii have pointed out, "The ideology of the National Bolshevik Party was fully generated by one man--Aleksandr Dugin." Russia and Germany together, he insists, "must decide all disputed questions together and in advance" (226). On a global scale, Dugin declares, "the main 'scapegoat' will be precisely the U.S." (248). THE BOOK USES THE TERM “MOSCOW-BERLIN AXIS”. Following precepts enunciated by Francis Fukuyama among others, the United States seeks to implant its own political and economic model throughout the globe (127). "In relation to the South," he writes, "the 'geopolitical axis of history' [Russia] has only one imperative--geopolitical expansion to the shores of the Indian Ocean" (341). In Dugin's opinion, all of the states of the "Orthodox collectivist East" with time will seek to establish binding ties to "Moscow the Third Rome," thus rejecting the snares of the "rational-individualistic West" (389, 393). 23. ( Log Out / Paperback 9785859280193 januari 2015 599 pagina's Alle productspecificaties. Eurasia-Russia and the Empire of Iran, he emphasizes, will have "one and the same geopolitical tendency" (242). The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia : geopolitics Who are the others? In an interview with the Krasnoyarsk division of Ekho Moskvy Radio on July 25, 2001, Dugin, commenting on Putin's role at the recent G-8 meetings in Genoa, affirmed, "It is my impression that in the international sphere Putin is splendidly realizing the Eurasian political model." Dmitrii Radyshevskii "Soblazn evraziistva," Moskovskie novosti 18, May 1-14, 2001. It covers a wide range of geopolitical schools and beliefs and actual problems. Dugin recommends that the Kuriles be restored to Japan as Kaliningrad is to be restored to Germany (238). Dugin implies that what remains of this Orthodox Christian country after Russia absorbs Abkhaziya and South Osetiya might be turned over to Iran as booty, appropriate punishment, presumably, for its prickly independent course toward Russia in the post-communist period. Alexander Dugin’s “Foundations of Geopolitics”: A Table of Contents. Reviews There are no reviews yet. Shenfield, 195. See "Rossiya dolzhna uchest' oshibki Ameriki," Nezavisimaya gazeta, September 13, 2001. It is necessary, therefore to create "the [subsidiary] axis Moscow-Erevan-Teheran" (352). 44 In Dugin's treatise, as Allensworth underscores, the author has appropriated almost wholesale "the idea" of Belgian geopolitician Jean Thiriart, who "recognized the Russified Soviet Union as the final bastion of civilization in a Europe overrun by rootless American consumerism." 3.2. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. And this support, according to our sources, is not small. He underlines: "Tibet-Sinkiang-Mongolia-Manchuria taken together comprise a security belt of Russia" (363). From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Although Dugin's ideas and prescriptions are indeed extreme, dangerous, and repellent, it should be emphasized that they are very much in the tradition of the writings of interwar fascists and adherents of the European Nouvelle Droite. During late 1988 and 1989, Dugin served as a member of the Pamyat' Central Council. Indeed, the Foundations of Geopolitics made Dugin a literary celebrity in the late Nineties Russia: “The influence of Foundations was profound if measured by book sales; but even more profound if measured by the true yardstick of the scribbler – plagiarism. In late 1998, Russian academic Andrei Tsygankov appropriately warned that the discourse of Dugin and of like-minded "Eurasians" is in reality "the discourse of war." He believes that this could happen unexpectedly, as occurred with the sudden collapse of the Warsaw Pact and the USSR. 3. Chapter 2: Tellurocracy and Thalassocracy . Dugin emphasizes that the current Russian Federation, which appeared in 1991 from under the rubble of the USSR, is not a full-fledged state, but rather "a transitional formation in the broad and dynamic global geopolitical process" (183). "Belorussia," Dugin asserts flatly, "should be seen as a part of Russia" (377). In cynical fashion, the United States wants to "transform Russia into an 'ethnic reservation' so that it can receive full control over the world" (169). The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia is een geopolitiek boek van Aleksandr Dugin .Het heeft enige invloed gehad binnen het Russische leger, de politie en de elites van het buitenlands beleid en is gebruikt als leerboek in de Academie van de Generale Staf van het Russische leger. 2 The impact of this intended "Eurasianist" textbook on key elements among Russian elites testifies to the worrisome rise of fascist ideas and sentiments during the late Yeltsin and Putin periods. In his introduction to the volume, Dugin wrote that Trubetskoi "can be termed the Eurasian Marx." 51 The army reporter offered no objections to this quite mad schema. The journal's title was borrowed from the theoretical journal of the French New Right, Elements, edited by Alain de Benoist. We call for her immediate release. His 1997 pivotal work, The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia, is a 600-page textbook that includes excerpts from some of history’s most prolific strategists.These include Alfred Mahan and Halford Mackinder. 1.1 Background: The German “Organic … Russia) never made its goal the creation of a mono-ethnic, racially uniform state" (190). "Beginning in the 1950s," Francoise Thorn remarked, "Soviet strategists like General Foundations of geopolitics english ROMANIAN TRADUCTION The book is a Russian manual on geopolitics. Andrei P. Tsygankov "Hard Line Eurasianism and Russian Contemporary Geopolitical Perspectives." Be the first one to write a review. Aleksandr Verkhovskii and Vladimir Pribylovskii, Natsional-patrioticheskie organizatsii v Rossii (Moscow: Izdatel'stvo 'Institut eksperimental' noi sotsiologii,' 1996), 50. Because of the threat to Russia's vital geopolitical interests represented by China, Dugin holds that the PRC must be dismantled. Religious sentiment, Dugin urges, should be placed front and center: "Russians should realize that they are Orthodox in the first place; [ethnic] Russians in the second place; and only in the third place, people" (255). Foundations Of Geopolitics English. (243). At one point in his book, Dugin confides that all arrangements made with "the Eurasian bloc of the continental West," headed by Germany, will be merely temporary and provisional in nature. 21. A "special status," on the other hand, should be accorded to both Latvia and Lithuania, which suggests that they are to be allocated to the Eurasian-Russian sphere. The book has had a large influence within the Russian military, police, and foreign policy elites[1] and was allegedly used as a textbook in the General Staff Academy of Russian military. While the Americans were developing their own post-Cold-War geopolitical strategy, so were the Russians. Foundations of Geopolitics. Ukraine should not be allowed to remain independent, unless it is cordon sanitaire, which would be inadmissible. "In Germany and France,'" Dugin asserts, "there is a firm anti-Atlanticist tradition" (369). 35, In his address to the founding congress of "Eurasia," Dugin expressed his gratitude to "the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation," for its assistance, before also thanking the Moscow Patriarchate, the Central Spiritual Administration for the Muslims of Russia, and other organizations. He has written a lot of books, but the most relevant one is Foundations of Geopolitics. All italics appearing within quotations are those of Dugin. Écoutez de la musique en streaming sans publicité ou achetez des CDs et MP3 maintenant sur Such a repudiation would be tantamount to national suicide" (197). Osnovy geopolitiki: Geopoliticheskoe budushchee Rossii (Moscow: Arktogeya, 1997). Jump to navigation Jump to search. See Maksimov and Karabaagi. "100 vedushchikh politkov Rossii v iyune," Nezavisimaya gazeta, July 10, 2001. "A repudiation of the empire-building function," Dugin warns sternly, "would signify the end of the Russian people as a historical reality, as a civilizational phenomenon. Aleksandr Dugin and the head of Kremlin politico-technology enjoy good, friendly relations." Chapter 1: Friedrich Ratzel: States as Spatial Organisms 4. The congress took place in a hall belonging to the "Honor and Dignity" Club, a group of veterans of the special services and law enforcement organizations. ALEKSANDR DUGIN FOUNDATIONS OF GEOPOLITICS PDF - that of Aleksandr Dugin's neo-fascist treatise, Foundations of Geopolitics. With regard to the Balkans, Dugin assigns "the north of the Balkan peninsula from Serbia to Bulgaria" to what he terms the "Russian South" (343). The ethnic Russian people, in contrast, are seen as "the bearers of a unique civilization." For a representative sample of Dugin's theoretical fascist writings, see Aleksandr Dugin, Absolyutnaya rodina (Moscow: Arktogeya, 1999). Pavel Polnyan "Sibir' otchenlyaetsya legko," Moskovskii komsomolts v Krasno-yarske, 29, July 18. According to Dugin, a key reason for concluding a Grand Alliance with Iran is Russia's need for a Muslim ally in its struggle against secular Turkey and "Islamic Saudi Arabia" with its dangerous Wahhabism. Foundations of Geopolitics | The book is the first Russian-language textbook on geopolitics. The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia est un livre géopolitique d' Aleksandr Dugin .Il a eu une certaine influence au sein des élites de l'armée, de la police et de la politique étrangère russes et a été utilisé comme manuel à l' Académie de l'état-major général de l'armée russe. Economic incentives by themselves will prove insufficient to promote such an upsurge (256-257). Latysheva.36. The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia is a geopolitical book by Aleksandr Dugin. The states of Romania, Macedonia, "Serbian Bosnia," and even NATO-member Greece in time, Dugin predicts, will become constituent parts of the Eurasian- Russian Empire (346, 383). Shenfield, 194.20. Foundations of Geopolitics Addeddate 2018-09-22 00:43:25 Identifier Dugin.Geopolitika Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t10p89181 Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 (Extended OCR) Pages 451 Ppi 300 Scanner Internet Archive HTML5 Uploader 1.6.3. plus-circle Add Review. Under, Vladimir Putin, the newspaper continued, Dugin had become "one of the drafters of the concept of national security." If you can improve it, please do. It is necessary to speak the unvarnished truth. One "radical" slogan, Dugin concludes, must be consistently put forward: "The nation is everything; the individual is nothing" (257). 16, In 1993, Dugin joined his efforts with those of charismatic demagogue Eduard Limonov (born 1943) and founded the National Bolshevik Party (NBP). Thanks also to Glen Howard for bringing several useful bibliographical items to my attention and to my research assistants, Joyce Cerwin and Yuliya Shmeleva, for their fine work. Unless otherwise indicated, the biographical information on Dugin provided in this paper comes from Stephen Shenfield, Russian Fascism: Traditions, Tendencies, Movements (Armonk, NY: M.E. journalist Dmitrii Radyshevskii, asked. Foreword to Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia (Arktogeya, Moscow: 2000) Foreword. 48 As a result of such unrelenting destabilization efforts, the United States and its close ally Britain eventually will be forced to leave the shores of Eurasia (and Africa). Germany's influence likely will spread to the south--to Italy and Spain (220). The extensive stretch of territory lying to the south of the Russian Federation is to be divvied up with a future Iranian Empire and with Armenia as well. International Relations courses from top universities and industry leaders. To induce the Anaconda to release its grip on the coastline of Eurasia, it must be attacked relentlessly on its home territory, within its own hemisphere, and throughout Eurasia. Dugin’s ideas became a ‘virus’, as he put it. Covering a wide range of geopolitical schools and real beliefs and problems. I’ll start here by declaring an important fact that you will … Even these regions, he notes, should be seen "as zones of further geopolitical expansion to the south and not as 'eternal borders of Russia'" (343). Evgenii Ikhlov"Oni v svoikh korridorakh: Dve storony novogo evraziistva," Obshchaya gazeta, August 2, 2001. Uncaptive Minds 7, no. In similar fashion, Moldova is seen as a part of what Dugin calls "the Russian South" (343). Employing the "strategy of the Anaconda" (a term borrowed by Dugin from inter-war German geopoliticians used in reference to Britain), the United States and its close allies are seen as exerting. 15 As for Dugin, he singled out Marshal Nikolai Ogarkov, a Soviet military chief of staff in the early 1980s, as "an outstanding geopolitician, strategist, and Eurasian." DOWNLOAD OPTIONS download 1 file . Copyright Complaints, out Marshal Nikolai Ogarkov, a Soviet military chief of staff in the early 1980s, as "an outstanding geopolitician, strategist, and Eurasian." This page is not a forum for general discussion about Foundations of Geopolitics. He continued to insist that Russia's relations with Japan, Iran, and India were more vital and significant than those with China. If such a dismemberment should not occur, however, Turkey, like China, must be encouraged to expand exclusively southward, "into the Arab world through Baghdad, Damascus, and Riyadh" (244). The anti-Americanism of the Japanese, "who remember well the nuclear genocide and the disgrace of political occupation," must be unleashed, as well as the fervent anti- Americanism of fundamentalist Muslim Iranians (234, 241). POL-450: Foundations of Geopolitics is offered online by Indiana Wesleyan University. According to one account, he then was expelled from the Moscow Aviation Institute, where he had enrolled as a student some time in the late 1970s. 17 Limonov played the role of a fascist-style leader, and Dugin served as second in command and the party's chief theoretician. Friedrich Ratzel. KALININGRAD OBLAST COULD BE GIVEN BACK TO GERMANY. The textbook is a wonderful material that you will definitely enjoy reading and you shouldn’t have any issue downloading this book PDF for free on a good eBook website. Dugin’s ideas became a ‘virus’, as he put it. 30., May 23, 2001.31. Dugin's militant views on geopolitics, as expressed in his 1997 "textbook," presumably will strike Western readers as both crude and mad, representing a slight improvement over the ravings of Duma deputy speaker Vladimir Zhirinovskii. "The Heartland therefore is required to pay back Sea Power in the same coin" (367). 36 On May 31, 2001, the Russian Ministry of Justice officially registered the "Eurasia" movement, which was reported to have branches in fifty regions of Russia. The Europe Center is jointly housed in the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies and the Stanford Global Studies Division. 35. Foundations of Geopolitics | The book is the first Russian-language textbook on geopolitics. His current research focuses on the conflict in Chechnya, Russian politics since 1985, Russia and the successor states of the former Soviet Union, Russian nationalism, and the politics of religion in Russia. ( Log Out / 14 The General Staff Academy and GRU's interest in geopolitics and Eurasianism reached back some forty years. Aleksandr Dugin "Zarya v sapogakh," Zavtra, March 31, 2000. After asking the question "What is the Russian South?", June 4, 2001. Kurds, Armenians, and other Turkish minorities are to be provoked into rebellion. 50. The German National Bolshevik Ernst Niekisch had "advocated a German-Russian alliance against the West. ed. 2 (1994): 76. "A special geopolitical role," Dugin writes, "is played by Armenia, which is a traditional and reliable ally of Russia in the Caucasus. In exchange for cooperating with Russia in this project, Dugin proposes that Germany be given back "Kaliningrad oblast' (Eastern Prussia)" (228). Aleksandr Dugin "Interv'yu dlya 'Ekho Moskvy-Krsnoyarsk'," 25 iyulya 2001, posted at: 40. THE BOOK USES THE TERM “MOSCOW-BERLIN AXIS”. "The Armenians," Dugin underscores with approval, "are an Aryan people ... [like] the Iranians and the Kurds" (243). The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia is a geopolitical book by Alexander Dugin. Dugin and his "system," it seems, resemble the combustible interwar period and the rise of fascism in Europe, with the lurid imperial fantasies of the Duce, the Fuhrer, and other fascist demagogues. The Russian people, Dugin insists, can serve only as the core ethnos of a vast empire: "[T]he Russian people (i.e. There is to be no "sanitary cordon." Find 9781521994269 Foundations of Geopolitics: the Geopolitical Future of Russia : English Translation by Dugin at over 30 bookstores. 12, The commander of the General Staff Academy, General Igor' Rodionov, was reported to be "particularly well-disposed toward Dugin," and Dugin's ideas evidently continued to enjoy his support once he became Russian Defense Minister in 1996-1997. 19. See Marina Latysheva, Issledovateli temnykh sil iz dvizheniya 'Evraziya' sdelali dlya prezidenta analaticheskii tsentr i gotovy zamenit' MID. In a moment of exultant imperial elan, Dugin revealingly trumpets at one point in his book, "The battle for the world rule of [ethnic] Russians has not ended" (213). 6, By the beginning of the 1990s, as the Soviet Union was approaching its collapse, Dugin began to assume a more high-profile political role. 13. As has been noted, Dugin also reportedly enjoys close ties to elements in the presidential administration, the secret services, the military, and the parliament. The Foundations of Geopolitics: The Geopolitical Future of Russia : geopolitics Who are the others? Petr Suslov, also a former Vympel member and a retired colonel in the SVRY, played an even more noteworthy role at the congress. Auteur: A Dugin Schrijf een review. The first issue of Elementy in 1992 published the transcript of an April 1992 roundtable, held on the premises of the academy, which included Lieutenant General Nikolai Klokotov, head of the academy's strategy department; Lieutenant General Nikolai Pishchev, deputy head of the same department; Major General Vladislav Iminov, head of the academy's department of military history; Alain de Benoist, "the leader of the European New Right"; and Jean Lalou, another New Right spokesman. He speculates that a "united Osetiya" also might be incorporated into Eurasia-Russia (351). Sa publication en 1997 a été bien accueillie en Russie. 33 "Dugin is already being perceived," the weekly Obshchaya gazeta observed, "not as the preacher of an ideological sect but as an officially recognized specialist on geopolitical questions." FOUNDATIONS OF GEOPOLITICS (IN EUROPE) GERMANY SHOULD BE OFFERED THE DE FACTO POLITICAL DOMINANCE OVER MOST PROTESTANT STATES LOCATED WITHIN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPE. His book has had influence within the Russian military, police, and foreign policy elites and has been used as a textbook in the Academy of the General Staff of the Russian military. 47. Aleksandr Dugin, Aleksandr. KALININGRAD OBLAST COULD BE GIVEN BACK TO GERMANY. Chapter 2. For future expansion purposes, Japan is to be encouraged to impose "its own 'new order,' which it planned to carry out in the 1930s, in the Pacific Ocean" (277). For Dugin's take on the events of September 11, see his "Lastochki, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies,,,, 14 The General Staff Academy and GRU's interest in geopolitics and Eurasianism reached back some forty years. It offers the following: an authoritarian-charismatic (autocratic) model; selfless and ascetical serving of the regime as the highest form of valor (the messianic great power syndrome); the agreement of ethnic and religious minorities to play a subordinate role; and imperial xenophobia. Dugin has assailed this rival group as being witting tools of Saudi Arabia and of Wahhabism. "The weakness of Russian nationalists," she emphasized, "stems from their inability to clearly situate Russian frontiers.
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