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Many seek advice on how to deal with the complex situations they find themselves in, others just need to vent or talk things through. Only by fully committing to improving out own wellbeing as school leaders can we begin to understand this and bring others along on the journey with us. My colleague, John Grenham explains it very well when he states, "Almost any document which records more than a single name can…, Added by Helen Kelly Genealogy on August 6, 2014 at 4:30am — The expectations placed upon school leaders have always been unrealistic but leaders attempt to navigate them with absolute dedication and commitment to their roles. 0 Likes, Added by Nollaig 2016 No real rest of wind down time as something is constantly happening.”, “Keeping calm when being continually used as a dumping ground for others.”, “All of it… balancing my own life with COVID-19. It is crucial, therefore, that senior leaders establish systems for collaboration and consultation with middle leaders on at least a weekly basis. View Helen Kelly’s profile on LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional community. Register too. Educators, parents and students are currently hungry for guidance on matters related to wellbeing but before we can satisfy them, we must first nourish ourselves. The best way for educators to see the value of any approach to wellbeing is by living it themselves first. In other schools, middle leaders may represent merely a convenient buffer between SLT and the teaching staff, translating plans into practice and fielding staff criticism. Kevin Michael KELLY (Westerhope) Peacefully but far too soon, in hospital after a long illness bravely fought with his loving family close by, on Sunday 8th December 2019 aged 71 years, Kevin, a dearly beloved husband to Helen, loving dad of Sharon and her partner Dave, a proud gramps to Zoe and Liam, much loved brother of Sadie, John, Olive and their families, and a special friend to so many. Working from home scenarios are also placing many more leaders in situations of potential isolation as they operate at a distance from colleagues and miss out on the regular social interactions that daily school life brings. Addressing the needs of middle leaders will enable schools to cope more effectively during the current crisis and provide a launchpad for future growth. While senior leadership teams have a clear identity and can rely upon each other for support, schools often fail to establish an identity for their middle leader teams, missing out on an opportunity to create a self-sustaining support mechanism for team leaders. In the USA, studies have established the cost of recruiting and training a new principal to be between $10,000 and $75,000. I mentioned that while their focus may not be on their own wellbeing, it should be. The first pillar involves core skills and their application to everyday life. She is a superb communicator, listens attentively and responds incisively according to the needs of others. This will place additional strain upon already struggling school leaders. Toxic relationships in the workplace may leave leaders more isolated than if they were working alone and can bring with them a whole range of other stresses and strains. I love knitting, reading, drinking copious cups of tea, and listening to podcasts. March 28, 2009 – Last year, I asked Mom (Helen) if she had any regrets. It is not a subject. document.write('googletag.defineSlot(\"\/111100742\/home_wide_skyscraper\", [160, 600], \"skyscrapper\").addService(googletag.pubads());'); Print. Enter your email address to recieve a notification for any new activity on this notice. } else { In addition, students need to develop exceptional ICT skills and cultural and civic literacy, to enable them to understand the world around them. Where such PD has not already taken place, schools should seek out targeted training to provide middle leaders with a set of tools to support their work during the current crisis. By Helen Kelly | April 9, 2020 As a result of COVID-19, many family events and gatherings have been delayed or undergone changes to comply with social distancing guidelines. 6 February – Helen Kelly; Joining. Explore releases from Helen Kelly at Discogs. Leading during a highly unpredictable, global health and economic crisis, however, requires next level skills and superhuman levels of resilience if it is not to take a personal toll on the physical and mental health of our leaders, most of whom are quite prepared to sacrifice themselves for the good of their students and staff. Why are Middle Leaders in Schools so Stressed? COVID 19 has made an already tough job even more challenging. Often they take this out on you as a senior leader. Application Form; Blog; International. In the first few months of the global pandemic, I witnessed how those with the right training can reassure others, provide clarity and share strategies to help all groups, including leadership, to manage their anxiety levels. Make Coaching Available to All Middle Leaders. Why School Leaders Need to Put Their Own Wellbeing First. Email. I have coached many educators and leaders and have seen the benefits first hand. I would argue that this journey needs to start with school leaders, if for no other reason than that we are role models for our communities. Twitter. Police Barrack, Lokoja Kogi State My name is Lucy Kelly and I’m a Senior Lecturer in Education (PGCE English) at Bristol University, and a mum to two boys (ages 6 and 11). If we can encourage governors to engage more fully in understanding the challenges their heads and principals face and acknowledge the key role that governors could play in improving leader wellbeing, this would benefits the whole school community. I know that while many have thrived in the face of recent challenges, despite the long hours, others feel they are failing in all elements of their role – failing students, failing their team and failing to impress their leaders. In most systems around the world the role of the board of governors is three-fold. Provide Sufficient Non-contact Time for Middle Leaders and Ensure They Take It, Despite a recent increase in scope of the middle leader role, the amount of leadership time provided for middle leaders has remained consistent over the last decade or more. Qualifications: Helen read law at University of Wales, Swansea and graduated with a 2:1 LLB Honours degree in 2000. While some schools have robust systems in place to include middle leader input, the process does not always allow for a high level of collaboration with those in the middle, despite the fact that it is middle leaders who are on the front-line, managing unforeseen implementation challenges. The truth is that we need to find ways to raise awareness among governors that school leader wellbeing is not a peripheral issue that falls outside of the scope of their responsibility but it is right at the heart of headteacher/principal recruitment and retention, school performance, student outcomes and the prudent management of school finances. It is possible to overcome loneliness but it requires a determined effort. Show Events Search Events Search. Characterized by the integration of emerging technologies into all aspects of our lives, this revolution is disrupting every industry in every country around the world and will alter the way we live and work forever. It is clear that the middle leaders’ role has brought increasing challenges in recent years as discussed in Why are Middle Leaders in Schools so Stressed?. There is plenty of research evidence to demonstrate that, second to teacher quality/instructional practice, the school principal is the most important factor influencing student outcomes. However, we should view contact with our nearest and dearest as essential to our mental and physical health in the same way as we might view exercise and a balanced diet. With the help of another colleague we were able to support her and bring her back to a better balance. Senior leaders must not lose sight of the fact that it is middle leaders who are responsible for implementing plans on the ground and that this implementation will be more effective if middle leaders are brought into the process earlier. Helen Kelly's story. I feel no shame in admitting that 15 years as a senior leader in international schools has taken its toll on me. Funding for improved support of the middle leader role is crucial, however, and needs to be viewed as a necessity for all schools. Senior leaders need to ensure that school culture allows for middle leaders to be open and honest in their opinions about what will and will not work and that their views are taken on board before decisions are made. Physical exhaustion among middle leaders is another real concern. After the school buildings is not the senior leader the school’s most valuable asset? It is time to stop being selfless and putting everyone else first. In my own 2017 research, only two of the ten highly stressed interview participants remained in the same role one year after their interview. Many others were nodding during this discussion to indicate that they may have had a similar experience. Is it not better to take care of the leader that you have and work with them to build their resilience and the sustainability of their leadership rather than throw them away and replace them with a new model? With the possibility of an Ofsted / HSE visit too. Staff anxiety and workload management, parent and pupil concerns. 'https:' : 'http:') + Helen Kelly’s medical marijuana bid rejected Helen Kelly’s application to use so-called medical marijuana has been rejected by the Ministry of Health. Thousands more see the need for change and want to know how this might be implemented in their school. The OECD informs us that in the future, millions of jobs may be lost to automation but that new jobs will also emerge. This is what Helen Kelly wanted. Powered by, Badges | Helen Kelly is a researcher, writer and speaker in the field of school wellbeing. They are managing the expectations of boards and parents as well as addressing the needs of students and staff through often rapid decision making. In my article from 2018, Why are Middle Leaders in Schools so Stressed?, I highlighted the increasing demands experienced by middle leaders over recent years and the accompanying stress that this has brought. So what can be done to support our middle leaders during this time and ensure that they remain committed and effective? Senior leaders need to facilitate bringing middle leaders together to discuss common concerns and build relationships within the team so that individuals feel part of something meaningful within their middle leader role and have a forum for seeking support and advice. In the UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand and other countries, education systems are experiencing a serious crisis in the recruitment and retention of school leaders. While working at Canadian International School of Hong Kong, I developed a model for future-ready learning, drawing upon the World Economic Forum’s 2015 model of 21st-century skills. document.write('