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The European Commission has launched a public consultation to shape a new HORIZON 2020 call for proposals that will aim to strengthen research and innovation related to the European Green Deal. Europe’s recovery is very important, especially due to the pandemic. Fighting climate change and making Europe climate-neutral by 2050 is one of the main priorities of the European Commission. Am 22. To respond to the urgency and ambition of the European Green Deal objectives, Horizon 2020 will soon launch a call worth close to €1 billion. With innovation at its heart, this investment will accelerate a just and sustainable transition to a climate-neutral Europe … This event has now ended. Together they will foster new technologies, sustainable solutions and disruptive innovation and spread successful new sol… I look forward to their breakthrough discoveries and innovations. of the challenges at hand, the Horizon 2020 Green Deal Call aims for tangible results in the short- to medium-term. The projects funded under this call are expected to deliver results with tangible benefits in ten areas: Eight thematic areas reflecting the key work streams of the European Green Deal: Industry for a clean and circular economy. The Green Deal Call worth €1 billion has been launched on the 18th of September. It is designed to respond to the climate change crisis by providing more protection to Europe’s biodiversity and habitats under threat and accelerate a sustainable recovery. Binnen Horizon 2020 komen dit jaar (2020) diverse calls met een totaalbudget van € 1 miljard. It will strengthen the contribution of Research and Innovation to climate objectives and will show citizens that the new European Commission is taking urgent action. Date: 14.10.2020 European Green Deal, Horizon 2020. The €1 billion European Green Deal call is the last and biggest call under Horizon 2020. Upcoming calls for Horizon 2020 European Green Deal. The Horizon 2020-funded European Green Deal Call, which is open for registration, will spur Europe's recovery from the coronavirus crisis by turning green challenges into innovation opportunities. Given the urgency of the challenges it addresses, it aims for clear, discernible results in the short to medium-term, but with a perspective of long-term change. To reach this 2050 goal, action will be required by all sectors of our economy, including: investing in environmentally-friendly technologies; rolling out cleaner, cheaper and healthier forms of private and public transport; ensuring buildings are more energy efficient; working with international partners to improve global environmental standards. Sorry, registrations are no longer available for, Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R), Marco Recchioni's presentation slides on the Green Deal Call, Special focus on Call LC-GD-1-1-2020 Preventing and fighting extreme wildfires with the integration and demonstration of innovative, A European Green Deal - Striving to be the first climate-neutral continent, LC-GD-1-1-2020 Preventing and fighting extreme wildfires with the integration and demonstration of innovative means, Access to the culture of the host country/language courses, Day care, schooling & family related issues. Parallel sessions from the European Research and Innovation days 2020 presenting the different Horizon 2020 European Green Deal Call areas and topics. Brokerage; Conference; Events; The Enterprise Europe Network in partnership with Enterprise Ireland, Invest NI and Northern Ireland National Contract Points (NCPs) invites potential Green Deal Call applicants to participate in an international virtual partnering event on the Green deal Call on 13th and also now on 14th October 2020. The call is the last within the H2020 Programme and just ahead of the launch of Horizon Europe, the next research and innovation programme kicking-off in 2021. The consultation will be open until 3 June. The European Green Deal Call will be part of the Horizon 2020 (H2020) programme. Insgesamt stehen rund 1 Milliarde Euro zur Verfügung. Marco Recchioni, Senior Project Adviser, EASME, European Commission, Brussels presented an introduction to the European Green Deal including thematic focus areas, eligibility criteria and partner finding tools. Die Ausschreibung ist auf die Schwerpunkte des European Green Deal ausgerichtet und umfasst folgende 10 Themenbereiche mit … This Call will be published in September. We have the honour to invite you to The H2020 Green Deal Call - International Networking Event under the “Turkey in Horizon 2020 Phase II” Technical Assistance Project which is co-financed by the EU and the Republic of Turkey and implemented by the Republic of Turkey Ministry of Industry and Technology within the scope of Competitive Sectors Programme. The goal is to finance research and innovation projects that respond to the climate crisis and help protect Europe’s unique ecosystems and biodiversity. Send your proposals by 26th January 2021! The European Commission tables €1 billion under Horizon 2020 to respond to the climate crisis, provide more protection to Europe’s biodiversity and habitats under threat, and accelerate a sustainable recovery. The Horizon 2020 Green Deal call, presentation by Sven Schade, European Commission. In support of this priority, the Commission is reinforcing Green Deal-related research and innovation with a dedicated call for proposals. European green deal call. September 2020 hat die Europäische Kommission eine Ausschreibung zum Green Deal im Rahmen von Horizont 2020 veröffentlicht. In 2020, the Commission will launch a new Horizon 2020 Climate Action call in support of the European Green Deal. Der Übergang Europas zur Klimaneutralität bis 2050 ist eine der Hauptprioritäten der Europäischen Kommission (EK). About 1 billion Euros will be made available for the countries that are members of the program. Horizon 2020 National Contact Points offices in the Czech Republic, Hungary, Israel and Slovakia in partnership with the Enterprise Europe Network and the BIOEAST Initiative invite you to participate in the virtual networking event in order to find project partners for the large forthcoming cross-cutting Horizon 2020 Green Deal call. Projects will deliver clear and tangible solutions in eight areas corresponding to the Green Deal priorities, and in two horizontal areas: “strengthening knowledge” and “empowering citizens”. The European Union and the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), Government of India, have agreed to join forces on five calls under the Horizon 2020 European Green Deal Work Programme. The European Green Deal is the European Commission's blueprint and roadmap to make Europe the first climate neutral continent by 2050, with a sustainable economy that leaves no one behind. Horizon Europeis the EU's next research and innovation programme starting in 2021. It focuses on rapid scalability, dissemination and uptake to bring real benefits to Europeans in their daily life. Given the urgency of the challenges it addresses, it aims for clear, discernible results in the short to medium-term, but with a perspective of long-term change. Please find below the presentation material. How is the European Green Deal different? Onderzoek en innovatie zijn belangrijk om dit mogelijk te maken. There are fewer, but more targeted, larger and visible actions, with a focus on rapid scalability, dissemination and uptake. Responding to the urgency of the challenges at hand, the Horizon 2020 Green Deal Call aims for tangible results in the short- to medium-term. Please login to access this functionality. The Horizon 2020-funded European Green Deal Call opened on 18 October for registration and will spur Europe's recovery from the coronavirus crisis by turning green challenges into innovation opportunities. And two horizontal areas - strengthening knowledge and empowering citizens, which offer a longer-term perspective in achieving the transformations set out in the European Green Deal. The European Green Deal Call stimulates and finances the implementation of large, multi-stakeholder and multidisciplinary collaborative projects. Special focus on Call LC-GD-1-1-2020 Preventing and fighting extreme wildfires with the integration and demonstration of innovative (1.24 MB) was porvided by Alberto Pozza, Project Adviser for European funded research projects, EASME, European Commission, Brussels. The European Green Deal will address the challenges and with proper actions, it will turn them into opportunities for innovation. Watch later. Water Europe (WE) invites you to participate in an international partnering event on the EU Green Deal Call of Horizon 2020. Horizon 2020: Green Deal Call. On 27 January, the Commission received 1550 proposals for the €1 billion Green Deal call, demonstrating an impressive response from the research community in Europe and beyond. Parellel aan de uitwerking van de strategie wordt er gewerkt aan nieuwe oproepen (calls). European Commission launches €1 billion European Green Deal Call for green and digital transition The European Commission has launched a €1 billion call for Research and Innovation (R&I) projects to reduce carbon emissions by 2050. "The €1 billion European Green Deal call is the last and biggest call under Horizon 2020. To reach this 2050 goal, action will be required by all sectors of our economy, including: Factsheet: Horizon 2020 European Green Deal call, Research and innovation for the European Green Deal, European Green Deal Call raises high number of proposals under Horizon 2020, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, This site is managed by the Directorate-General for Communication, Aid, Development cooperation, Fundamental rights, About the European Commission's web presence, Follow the European Commission on social media, Clean, affordable and secure energy : 256, Industry for a clean and circular economy : 108, Energy and resource efficient buildings: 115, Zero-pollution, toxic-free environments: 115, investing in environmentally-friendly technologies, rolling out cleaner, cheaper and healthier forms of private and public transport, ensuring buildings are more energy efficient, working with international partners to improve global environmental standards. The role of research and innovation in the European Green Deal The European Commission has decided to launch this call with an approximately €1 billion budget for research and innovation projects that respond to the climate crisis and help protect Europe's unique ecosystems and biodiversity. The Funding and Tenders Portal is the single entry point (the Single Electronic Data Interchange Area) for applicants, contractors and experts in funding programmes and procurements managed by the European … First call for proposals expected in September 2020. This call is the last and biggest call under Horizon 2020. In each Green Deal call area, the following number of proposals were received: The European Green Deal is the European Commission's roadmap to make Europe the first climate neutral continent by 2050, with a sustainable economy that leaves no one behind. The European Commission is receiving applications for its Horizon 2020-funded EUR 1 billion European Green Deal Call from today. Also known as the European Green Deal, the call is a Horizon 2020 -funded now open for registrations. This Green Deal Call differs in important aspects from previous Horizon 2020 calls. De Europese Commissie (EC) stelt een budget beschikbaar van circa € 1 miljard vanuit Horizon 2020 voor onderzoeks- en innovatieprojecten die de klimaatcrisis aanpakken en die een bijdrage leveren aan de bescherming van Europa’s unieke ecosystemen en biodiversiteit. The Horizon 2020-funded European Green Deal Call opened on 18 October for registration and will spur Europe's recovery from the coronavirus crisis by turning green challenges into innovation opportunities. The Enterprise Europe Network in partnership with Enterprise Ireland, Invest NI and Northern Ireland National Contract Points (NCPs) invites you to participate in an international partnering event on the Green deal Call Tags: Horizon 2020 | Green Deal Call | ERD2020. Auch Forschung und Innovation sollen zur Umsetzung des Green Deal beitragen. Eligible proposals will now be evaluated by panels of independent experts; the first selected projects will start in autumn 2021. Horizon 2020 National Contact Points offices in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Israel and Poland in partnership with the Enterprise Europe Network and the BIOEAST Initiative invite you to participate in the virtual networking event in order to find project partners for the large forthcoming cross-cutting Horizon 2020 Green Deal Call! One of the funding source is the current European programme to support research and innovation Horizon 2020. Extension of the Green Deal Call until 27 January Tuesday, 19 May, 2020 Due to a technical issue with the Funding and Tenders portal, the deadline for the H2020 EU Green Deal call has exceptionally been extended until 27 January at 17:00 (CET) European Green Deal call 2020. Day 3 included a brokerage event and matchmaking session where partnerships can be made. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. The Horizon 2020 Green Deal call, presentation by Sven Schade, European Commission - YouTube. De European Green Deal van de Europese Commissie (EC) is de nieuwe strategie voor een Europese economie die duurzamer, schoner, veiliger en gezonder is. Learn more about the European Green Deal and the recently published Call by joining our webinar on 26 October at 3pm IR/VN (4pm SGP/MY), Welcome and introduction - Dr Susanne Rentzow-Vasu, EURAXESS ASEAN, Presentation of the European Green Deal by Mr Marco Recchioni, Senior Project Adviser, EASME, European Commission, Brussels, Introduction of Call LC-GD-1-1-2020 Preventing and fighting extreme wildfires with the integration and demonstration of innovative means by Alberto Pozza, Project Adviser for European funded research projects, EASME, European Commission, Brussels. Factsheet: Horizon 2020 European Green Deal call, Research and innovation for the European Green Deal. It differs in important aspects from previous Horizon 2020 calls. The European Commission has decided to launch a €1 billion call for research and innovation projects that respond to the climate crisis and help protect Europe's unique ecosystems and biodiversity. The call for proposals, with a budget of 1 billion euros, is expected to be published in mid-September. There are fewer, but more targeted, larger and visible actions, with a focus on rapid scalability, dissemination and uptake. The registration for this webinar is free of charge. With innovation at its heart, this investment will accelerate This Green Deal Call differs in important aspects from previous Horizon 2020 calls. The European Commission is making €1 billion available under the European Green Deal.This is the last and biggest call under Horizon 2020. Date/Time Date(s) - 13/10/2020 9:00 - 21:00. This Green Deal Call differs in important aspects from previous Horizon 2020 calls. It focuses on rapid scalability, dissemination and uptake to bring real benefits to Europeans in their daily life. Zur Unterstützung dieser Priorität stärkt die EK Forschung und Innovation im Zusammenhang mit dem "Green Deal" mit einer speziellen Ausschreibung im Rahmen von Horizon 2020. European Green Deal Call under Horizon 2020 is an initiative that aims the EU`s transition to carbon-free economy by 2050. The Green Deal call under the current research and innovation programme Horizon-2020 has been opened. According to the Commission it differs […] On 23th September 14:00 – 16:00 : Opening – Horizon 2020 EUROPEAN GREEN DEAL CALL Info Day – Presentation of the Call : Open session where high-level speakers will deliver the political messages and present the Horizon 2020 European Green Deal Call. The European Green Deal Call infoday will take place virtually in the hub 2 of the Research & Innovation Days (R&IDays) on 22-24th September. Day 2 featured an info day on the upcoming Horizon 2020 Green Deal call for proposals, followed by breakout sessions per area. See also: A European Green Deal - Striving to be the first climate-neutral continent. The call is foreseen to be published in September 2020. Categories. Its powerful instruments and innovative governance will drive the necessary systemic changes to reach climate neutrality and ensure an inclusive ecological and economic transition. The deadline for submissions is 26 January 2021, with selected projects expected to start in autumn 2021. Marco Recchioni's presentation slides on the Green Deal Call (733.37 KB) are available here. There are 11 topics and 20 subtopics of the Call: 1. Horizon Europe, in synergy with other EU programmes, will be key to leveraging national public and private investment. Horizon 2020 Virtual Brokerage Event on the European Green Deal Call. Mariya Gabriel, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, said: The great interest in this last Horizon 2020 call shows the eagerness of research teams in the EU and beyond to find solutions that will tackle the climate crisis, restore and preserve our ecosystems and protect our societies, driving them through sustainable recovery. European Green Deal Call raises high number of proposals under Horizon 2020 On 27 January, the Commission received 1550 proposals for the €1 billion Green Deal call, demonstrating an impressive response from the research community in Europe and beyond.
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