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[90][93] In spite of the orders to stop, Eichmann personally made arrangements for additional trains of victims to be sent to Auschwitz on 17 and 19 July. And on May 23, 1960, Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion announced that Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann had been captured and would stand trial in Israel. [111] The memoirs were later used as the basis for a series of articles that appeared in Life and Stern magazines in late 1960. "[169] Defence attorney Servatius repeatedly tried to curb the presentation of material not directly related to Eichmann, and was mostly successful. [13] He left without attaining a degree and joined his father's new enterprise, the Untersberg Mining Company, where he worked for several months. Adolf Eichmann was in charge of the identification, assembly, and transportation of Jews in all parts of Europe that were occupied by Nazi Germany to extermination camps in German-occupied Poland, including Auschwitz, a task that he carried out with zeal and resourcefulness. [85][86] Hitler's appointment of a Hungarian government more amenable to the Nazis meant that the Hungarian Jews, who had remained essentially unharmed until that point, would now be deported to Auschwitz concentration camp to serve as forced labour or be gassed. Adolf Eichmann was born in Solingen March 19, 1906 ,Germany, to a businessman and industrialist, Adolf Karl Eichmann, and Maria née Schefferling. He repeatedly devised innovative solutions to overcome obstacles. One of the most successful operations of the secret service of Israel – Mossad – is the capture of one of the senior officers of the Gestapo – Adolf Eichmann. Visitors included Hermann Goering, Heinrich Himmler, Ernst Kaltenbrunner, and Baron Leopold von Mildenstein. [101] Along with many other SS officers who fled in the closing months of the war, Eichmann and his family were living in relative safety in Austria when the war in Europe ended on 8 May 1945. The Nazi Party was banned in Austria around the same time. [16] The party platform included the dissolution of the Weimar Republic in Germany, rejection of the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, radical antisemitism, and anti-Bolshevism. When in 1939 Himmler formed the Reich Security Central Office, Eichmann was transferred to its section on Jewish affairs in Berlin. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. Moreover, he claimed to have read Theodor Herzl’s The Jewish State but said that he had never read Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf thoroughly or closely and that he had never read the anti-Semitic tract Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. [135], Near midnight on 20 May, Eichmann was sedated by an Israeli doctor on the Mossad team and dressed as a flight attendant. [167] Hausner ignored police recommendations to call only 30 witnesses; only 14 of the witnesses called had seen Eichmann during the war. [79], Eichmann did not make policy, but acted in an operational capacity. [19] His membership in the SS was confirmed seven months later (SS member number 45,326). At the end of the war, Eichmann was captured by the United States (although his identity remained unknown as he used a false name) and placed in a camp for SS officials in Germany. Eichmann was convicted for his role in organizing and carrying out the Holocaust and ultimately executed. [144], US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) documents declassified in 2006 show that the capture of Eichmann caused alarm at the CIA and West German Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND). Eichmann initially visited them weekly, but as time went on, his visits tapered off to once a month. [12] His poor school performance resulted in his father's withdrawing him from the Realschule and enrolling him in the Höhere Bundeslehranstalt für Elektrotechnik, Maschinenbau und Hochbau vocational college. Barracks were planned but never completed. Under the Nisko Plan, Eichmann chose Nisko as the location for a new transit camp where Jews would be temporarily housed before being deported elsewhere. [5] The execution was attended by a small group of officials, four journalists and the Canadian clergyman William Lovell Hull, who had been Eichmann's spiritual counselor while in prison. Although accurate figures may never be known, it is estimated that some 6 million Jewish individuals died – men, women, and children from all over Europe. He even learned a smattering of Hebrew and Yiddish, gaining a reputation as a specialist in Zionist and Jewish matters. He provided these photographs to Mossad agents on 18 February. [51] He was immediately assigned to organise the deportation of 70,000 to 80,000 Jews from Ostrava district in Moravia and Katowice district in the recently annexed portion of Poland. [57][58] While Eichmann claimed at his trial to be upset by the appalling conditions on the trains and in the transit camps, his correspondence and documents of the period show that his primary concern was to achieve the deportations economically and with minimal disruption to Germany's ongoing military operations. In January 1942, at a lakefront villa in the Wannsee district of Berlin, a conference of Nazi high officials was convened to organize the logistics of what the Nazis called the “final solution to the Jewish question.” Eichmann was to coordinate the details; thus, although it was not yet generally known that the “final solution” was mass execution, Eichmann had in effect been named chief executioner. For other uses, see, "Operation Eichmann" redirects here. From January to October 1934 he was attached to an SS unit at Dachau and then was appointed to the SS Sicherheitsdienst (“Security Service”) central office in Berlin, where he worked in the section that dealt with Jewish affairs. [193] Appeal hearings took place between 22 and 29 March 1962. ... when he began a clandestine repatriation of Jews from countries where they were threatened with destruction from the growing … [117] Hermann then sent his daughter on a fact-finding mission; she was met at the door by Eichmann himself, who said that he was Klaus's uncle. [30] On 21 March 1935 Eichmann married Veronika (Vera) Liebl (1909–93). [68] The Generalplan Ost (General Plan for the East) called for deporting the population of occupied Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union to Siberia, for use as slave labour or to be murdered. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. [39] Polkes suggested that more Jews should be allowed to leave under the terms of the Haavara Agreement, but Hagen refused, surmising that a strong Jewish presence in Palestine might lead to their founding an independent state, which would run contrary to Reich policy. [73] In preparation for the conference, Eichmann drafted for Heydrich a list of the numbers of Jews in various European countries and prepared statistics on emigration. Eichmann pursued party activities in Linz on weekends while continuing in his position at Vacuum Oil in Salzburg. [120], Harel dispatched Shin Bet chief interrogator Zvi Aharoni to Buenos Aires on 1 March 1960,[121] and he was able to confirm Eichmann's identity after several weeks of investigation. [116] His daughter Sylvia began dating a man named Klaus Eichmann in 1956 who boasted about his father's Nazi exploits, and Hermann alerted Fritz Bauer, prosecutor-general of the state of Hesse in West Germany. ... His ashes were scattered in the … His last words were, “I had to obey the rules of war and my flag”. He was cremated and his ashes were thrown to the sea, well beyond the Israeli three mile limit. Eichmann was an expert on management and logistics. [102], At the end of the war, Eichmann was captured by US forces and spent time in several camps for SS officers using forged papers that identified him as Otto Eckmann. [172] The prosecution proved that Eichmann had visited places where exterminations had taken place, including Chełmno extermination camp, Auschwitz, and Minsk (where he witnessed a mass shooting of Jews),[173] and therefore was aware that the deportees were being killed. Eichmann was accepted into the SD and assigned to the sub-office on Freemasons, organising seized ritual objects for a proposed museum and creating a card index of German Freemasons and Masonic organisations. Exactly 60 years ago at “Beit Ha’am” in Jerusalem began the trial of Adolf Eichmann – the Nazi war criminal who was one of the main perpetrators of the "Final Solution" for the extermination of the Jews during World War II. [209], The use of "Eichmann" as an archetype stems from Hannah Arendt's notion of the "banality of evil". [67] On 31 July, Göring gave Heydrich written authorisation to prepare and submit a plan for a "total solution of the Jewish question" in all territories under German control and to co-ordinate the participation of all involved government organisations. His birth certificate as well as official Nazi-era documents confirm that 'Otto Adolf' is correct. [115], Lothar Hermann, a half-Jewish German who had emigrated to Argentina in 1938, was also instrumental in exposing Eichmann's identity. After the death of Maria in 1916, Eichmann's father married Maria Zawrzel, a devout Protestant with two sons. [203], Rafi Eitan, who accompanied Eichmann to the hanging, claimed in 2014 to have heard him later mumble "I hope that all of you will follow me", making those his final words. Eichmann was hanged on May 31, 1962, and his ashes were scattered at sea. “I only said that Bureau IV B4 [Eichmann’s office] had nothing to do with it.”. [40] Eichmann and Hagen attempted to return to Palestine a few days later, but were denied entry after the British authorities refused them the required visas. History 04/03/20 Adolf Eichmann: how Mossad kidnapped from Argentina of Nazi war criminal . Most of the victims were sent to Auschwitz concentration camp, where about 75 per cent were murdered upon arrival. [81] Eichmann's office was responsible for collecting information on the Jews in each area, organising the seizure of their property, and arranging for and scheduling trains. [123][124] Harel arrived in May 1960 to oversee the capture. [171], Some of the evidence submitted by the prosecution took the form of depositions made by leading Nazis. [118] In 1957, Bauer passed along the information in person to Mossad director Isser Harel, who assigned operatives to undertake surveillance, but no concrete evidence was initially found. [34] Eichmann left the church in 1937. Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann standing in a protective glass booth during his trial in Israel in 1961. [149] Using documents provided primarily by Yad Vashem and Nazi hunter Tuviah Friedman, Less was often able to determine when Eichmann was lying or being evasive. He prepared an anti-Masonic exhibition, which proved to be extremely popular. [134] Eitan told the Haaretz newspaper in 2008 that they decided not to pursue Mengele as it might have jeopardised the Eichmann operation. ... A whole list of items was given which appear toconfirm this. [167] In the case of the Sassen interviews, only Eichmann's hand-written notes were admitted into evidence. Eichmann sat inside a bulletproof glass booth to protect him from assassination attempts. [152] In addition, Servatius submitted a request for clemency to Ben-Zvi and petitioned for a stay of execution pending his planned appeals for extradition to the West German government. The hanging, scheduled for midnight at the end of 31 May, was slightly delayed and thus took place a few minutes past midnight on 1 June 1962. [153] Eichmann was convicted on 15 counts of crimes against humanity, war crimes, crimes against the Jewish people, and membership in a criminal organisation. At 8:00 p.m. on 31 May, Eichmann was informed that the appeal for presidential clemency had been denied. The documents also revealed that both agencies had used some of Eichmann's former Nazi colleagues to spy on European Communist countries. Adolf Eichmann was found guilty by an Israeli Court and sentenced to death. These events were factors in Eichmann's decision to return to Germany. As witnesses, countless Holocaust survivors told the court about the most gruesome crimes ever committed by anyone. [25], By 1934, Eichmann requested transfer to the Sicherheitsdienst (SD) of the SS, to escape the "monotony" of military training and service at Dachau. [197] Eichmann's wife and brothers also wrote to Ben-Zvi requesting clemency. [13] From 1925 to 1927 he worked as a sales clerk for the Oberösterreichische Elektrobau AG radio company. [204], Within hours Eichmann's body had been cremated, and his ashes scattered in the Mediterranean Sea, outside Israeli territorial waters, by an Israeli Navy patrol boat. [11] He played the violin and participated in sports and clubs, including a Wandervogel woodcraft and scouting group that included some older boys who were members of various right-wing militias. My nerves aren’t strong enough. Adolf Eichmann is labeled as the man who masterminded the actual organisation of the Holocaust. Articles from Britannica Encyclopedias for elementary and high school students. In the last week of October 1939, 4,700 Jews were sent to the area by train and were essentially left to fend for themselves in an open meadow with no water and little food. [172] The defence demanded that the men should be brought to Israel so that the defence's right to cross-examination would not be abrogated. [75] In his covering letter, Heydrich specified that Eichmann would act as his liaison with the departments involved. Germany invaded Hungary in March 1944, and Eichmann oversaw the deportation of much of the Jewish population. [95] In June 1944 Eichmann was involved in negotiations with Rudolf Kasztner that resulted in the rescue of 1,684 people, who were sent by train to safety in Switzerland in exchange for three suitcases full of diamonds, gold, cash, and securities. The screaming and…I was much too shaken and so on.” He averred that he had continued to oversee the deportation of victims but that he sought to keep his distance from the actual killing. [96] Nothing came of the proposal, as the Western Allies refused to consider the offer. [217], "Eichmann" redirects here. We know that one doesn't need to be fanatical, sadistic, or mentally ill to murder millions; that it is enough to be a loyal follower eager to do one's duty. Until then, many people in the West had not been fully aware of the attempted annihilation of an entire people by the Nazi regime between 1939 and 1945. [205], The trial and the surrounding media coverage sparked renewed interest in wartime events, and the resulting increase in publication of memoirs and scholarly works helped raise public awareness of the Holocaust. Art. He initially found work in the forestry industry and later leased a small plot of land in Altensalzkoth, where he lived until 1950. [60][61] Horrendous conditions in the ghettos—severe overcrowding, poor sanitation, and a lack of food—resulted in a high death rate. His wife, who disliked Berlin, resided in Prague with the children. [8][9][d] The elder Adolf moved to Linz, Austria, in 1913 to take a position as commercial manager for the Linz Tramway and Electrical Company, and the rest of the family followed a year later. [163] The trial was held at the Beit Ha'am (today known as the Gerard Behar Center), an auditorium in central Jerusalem. [145] The assertion that the CIA knew where Eichmann was and withheld that information from the Israelis has been challenged as "ahistorical. [49] On 27 September 1939 the SD and the Sicherheitspolizei (SiPo, "Security Police") – the latter comprising the Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo) and Kriminalpolizei (Kripo) police agencies – were combined into the new Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA, "Reich Security Main Office"), which was placed under Heydrich's control. [45] Eichmann was promoted to SS-Obersturmführer (first lieutenant) in July 1938, and appointed to the Central Agency for Jewish Emigration in Vienna, created in August in a room in the former Palais Rothschild at Prinz Eugen Strasse 22. [213], In her 2011 book Eichmann Before Jerusalem, based largely on the Sassen interviews and Eichmann's notes made while in exile, Bettina Stangneth argues instead that Eichmann was an ideologically motivated antisemite and lifelong committed Nazi who intentionally built a persona as a faceless bureaucrat for presentation at the trial. [90][91] Between 10–25 per cent of the people on each train were chosen as forced labourers; the rest were killed within hours of arrival. But … He was found guilty on all of the charges, and was executed by hanging on 1 June 1962. After an eight-month trial he was found guilty. [32][33] Eichmann was promoted to SS-Hauptscharführer (head squad leader) in 1936 and was commissioned as an SS-Untersturmführer (second lieutenant) the following year. [129] The plan was almost abandoned on the designated day when Eichmann was not on the bus that he usually took home,[130] but he got off another bus about half an hour later. [107], Eichmann initially lived in Tucumán Province, where he worked for a government contractor. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. [119] The government of Israel paid a reward to Hermann in 1971, twelve years after he had provided the information. The déclassé son of a solid middle-class Protestant family which had moved to Linz, Austria, where Eichmann spent his youth, he failed to … He obtained new identity papers with the name of Otto Heninger and relocated frequently over the next several months, moving ultimately to the Lüneburg Heath. He said that he subscribed to Jewish periodicals and had bought the Encyclopedia Judaica. Adolf Eichmann, in full Karl Adolf Eichmann, (born March 19, 1906, Solingen, Germany—died May 31, 1962, Tel Aviv, Israel), German high official who was hanged by the State of Israel for his part in the Holocaust, the Nazi extermination of Jews during World War II. Home; Photos and Art. Klaus arrived not long after, however, and addressed Eichmann as "Father". [177] Eichmann asserted that the decisions had been made not by him, but by Müller, Heydrich, Himmler, and ultimately Hitler. U.S. troops captured Adolf Eichmann when World War II ended, but he escaped in 1946 and settled in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1958. [151] His pardon plea, released in 2016, did not contradict this: "There is a need to draw a line between the leaders responsible and the people like me forced to serve as mere instruments in the hands of the leaders", Eichmann wrote. [63] When Germany failed to defeat the Royal Air Force in the Battle of Britain, the invasion of Britain was postponed indefinitely. [62] On 15 August 1940, Eichmann released a memorandum titled Reichssicherheitshauptamt: Madagaskar Projekt (Reich Main Security Office: Madagascar Project), calling for the resettlement to Madagascar of a million Jews per year for four years. He worked as a travelling oil salesman beginning in 1927, and joined both the Nazi Party and the SS in 1932. I die believing in God. They planned to seize him when he was walking beside an open field from the bus stop to his house. Transports continued, but at a much slower pace than originally envisioned. His trial lasted from April 11 to December 15, 1961, and Eichmann was sentenced to death, the only death sentence ever imposed by an Israeli court. [168] Hausner's intention was to not only demonstrate Eichmann's guilt but to present material about the entire Holocaust, thus producing a comprehensive record. Otto Adolf Eichmann (19 March 1906 – 1 June 1962) was a leading member of the Nazi Party in charge of organising mass deportations of Jews to ghettos, concentration camps, and extermination camps. [69] However, with the entry of the United States into the war in December and the German failure in the Battle of Moscow, Hitler decided that the Jews of Europe were to be exterminated immediately rather than after the war, which now had no end in sight. [185], The trial adjourned on 14 August, and the verdict was read on 12 December. [43] Jewish community organisations were placed under supervision of the SD and tasked with encouraging and facilitating Jewish emigration. He advanced steadily within the SS and was sent to Vienna after the annexation of Austria (March 1938) to rid the city of Jews. He returned to Berlin, where he arranged for the incriminating records of Department IV-B4 to be burned. [98] At the end of August he was assigned to head a commando squad to assist in the evacuation of 10,000 ethnic Germans trapped on the Hungarian border with Romania in the path of the advancing Red Army. [94], In a series of meetings beginning on 25 April, Eichmann met with Joel Brand, a Hungarian Jew and member of the Relief and Rescue Committee (RRC). [104], In 1948, Eichmann obtained a landing permit for Argentina and false identification under the name Ricardo Klement through an organisation directed by Bishop Alois Hudal, an Austrian cleric then residing in Italy with known Nazi sympathies. [202] His last words were reported to be, Long live Germany. In 1960, the major Holocaust perpetrator Adolf Eichmann was kidnapped in Argentina and brought to Israel to stand trial. [208] The trial therefore greatly reduced the previously popular misconception that Jews had gone "like sheep to the slaughter". It begann exactly 60 years ago, on April 11th, 1961. The Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann pleaded for his life in a letter to the Israeli President two days before his execution, newly released documents show. ... he was not among the top Nazi war criminals that the United States, Great Britain, the Soviet Union, and France placed on trial during the famous … Prosecutor Gideon Hausner also tried to challenge the portrayal of Jewish … "I was not a responsible leader, and as such do not feel myself guilty. [29] He was assigned to study and prepare reports on the Zionist movement and various Jewish organisations. [186] The judges declared him not guilty of personally killing anyone and not guilty of overseeing and controlling the activities of the Einsatzgruppen. ... After World War II, Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann was arrested by American authorities and held in detention camps for SS … [82] His department was in constant contact with the Foreign Office, as Jews of conquered nations such as France could not as easily be stripped of their possessions and deported to their deaths. [153] The legal basis of the charges against Eichmann was the 1950 Nazi and Nazi Collaborators (Punishment) Law,[154][h] under which he was indicted on 15 criminal charges, including crimes against humanity, war crimes, crimes against the Jewish people, and membership in a criminal organisation. Eichmann produced tapes, transcripts, and handwritten notes. [23] In late December, when this unit was dissolved, Eichmann was promoted to SS-Scharführer (squad leader, equivalent to corporal). For this Eichmann was awarded the Iron Cross, Second Class. [181], Throughout his cross-examination, prosecutor Hausner attempted to get Eichmann to admit he was personally guilty, but no such confession was forthcoming. At the infamous Wannsee Conference (1942) Eichmann received his orders. He escaped from a work detail at Cham, Germany, when he realised that his identity had been discovered. In 1934, Adolf Eichmann was appointed to the Jewish section of the “security services” of the SS.From then on, he became deeply involved with the formulation and operation of the “final solution to the Jewish question.” He drew up the idea of deportation of Jews into ghettos, and went about concentrating Jews in isolated areas with murderous efficiency.He took great pride in the role he played in the death of 6 … Information collected by the Mossad, Israel's intelligence agency, confirmed his location in 1960. During World War I, Eichmann’s family moved from Germany to Linz, Austria. Otto Adolf Eichmann, the eldest of five children, was born in 1906 to a Calvinist Protestant family in Solingen, Germany. [155][i] The trial was presided over by three judges: Moshe Landau, Benjamin Halevy and Yitzhak Raveh. [141] In the ensuing debate, Israeli representative (and later Prime Minister) Golda Meir claimed that the abductors were not Israeli agents but private individuals and so the incident was only an "isolated violation of Argentine law". Adolf Eichmann or Otto Adolf Eichmann was a SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer or a lieutenant colonel in the German Army who played an important role in organizing the Holocaust in which almost six million Jews from different countries were exterminated. Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership,, Jewish Virtual Library - Biography of Adolf Eichmann, History Learning Site - Biography of Adolf Eichmann, Spartacus Educational - Biography of Adolf Eichmann, Adolf Eichmann - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up), Know about the role of Adolf Eichmann during the Holocaust and his trial. Videotape was flown daily to the United States for broadcast the following day. [54] In his role as minister responsible for the Four Year Plan, on 24 March 1940 Hermann Göring forbade any further transports into the General Government unless cleared first by himself or Frank. [37][38] Eichmann travelled to British Mandatory Palestine with his superior Herbert Hagen in 1937 to assess the possibility of Germany's Jews voluntarily emigrating to that country, disembarking with forged press credentials at Haifa, whence they travelled to Cairo in Egypt. [31] The couple had four sons: Klaus (born 1936 in Berlin), Horst Adolf (born 1940 in Vienna), Dieter Helmut (born 1942 in Prague) and Ricardo Francisco (born 1955 in Buenos Aires). Long live Austria. [138] They arrived in Israel on 22 May, and Ben-Gurion announced his capture to the Knesset the following afternoon. [137] There was a tense delay at the airport while the flight plan was approved, then the plane took off for Israel, stopping in Dakar, Senegal to refuel. März 1906 in Solingen; † 1. There they met Feival Polkes, an agent of the Haganah, with whom they were unable to strike a deal. Coming only sixteen years after the end of World War 2, the trial of the Nazi war criminal Adolf Eichmann, which began in Jerusalem 60 years ago today, brought the Holocaust into international public focus as never before. Eichmann portrayed himself as an obedient bureaucrat who merely carried out his assigned duties. Otto Adolf Eichmann (* 19. [6][211] In his 1988 book Justice, Not Vengeance, Wiesenthal said: "The world now understands the concept of 'desk murderer'. In November 1932 he became a member of Heinrich Himmler’s SS, the Nazi paramilitary corps, and, on leaving Linz in 1933, he joined the terrorist school of the Austrian Legion at Lechfeld, Germany. [131], Eichmann was taken to one of several Mossad safe houses that had been set up by the team. While he denied his ultimate responsibility, he seemed proud of his effectiveness in establishing efficient procedures to deport millions of victims. [160], The Israeli government arranged for the trial to have prominent media coverage. Both organisations had known for at least two years that Eichmann was hiding in Argentina, but they did not act because it did not serve their interests in the Cold War. He sent for his family in 1952, and they moved to Buenos Aires. Michael Berenbaum—a graduate of Queens College (BA, 1967) and Florida State University (Ph.D., 1975) who also attended The Hebrew University and the Jewish Theological Seminary—is a writer,... Villa in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee that housed the conference at which the “final solution” to “the Jewish problem” was formulated on January 20, 1942. Hannah Arendt, a German-born Jewish American political philosopher, covered the trial for The New Yorker. Couldn’t! [88] During the Nuremberg Trials, Rudolf Höss, commandant of the Auschwitz concentration camp, testified that Himmler had told Höss to receive all operational instructions for the implementation of the Final Solution from Eichmann. Adolf Eichmann was a SS officer who planned with meticulous detail the sending of Jews and other groups to death camps such as Auschwitz-Birkenau, Treblinka and Sobibor. [174], The defence next engaged in a lengthy direct examination of Eichmann. [186][189] When considering the sentence, the judges concluded that Eichmann had not merely been following orders, but believed in the Nazi cause wholeheartedly and had been a key perpetrator of the genocide. [35], Nazi Germany used violence and economic pressure to encourage Jews to leave Germany of their own volition;[36] around 250,000 of the country's 437,000 Jews emigrated between 1933 and 1939. [132] During these days, Harel tried to locate Josef Mengele, the notorious Nazi doctor from Auschwitz, as the Mossad had information that he was also living in Buenos Aires. [140] Argentina requested an urgent meeting of the United Nations Security Council in June 1960, after unsuccessful negotiations with Israel, as they regarded the capture to be a violation of their sovereign rights. [14][15], During this time, he joined the Jungfrontkämpfervereinigung, the youth section of Hermann Hiltl's right-wing veterans movement, and began reading newspapers published by the Nazi Party.
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