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Professor Ernst Nolte deutscher Historiker in seiner Berliner Wohnung Get premium, high resolution news photos at Getty Images Er führte aus, dass auch die Tätigkeit sowjetischer Partisanen hinter der Front als Reaktion den Massenmord an den Juden provoziert hätte. In a September 1987 interview, Nolte stated that the Germans were "once the master race (Herrenvolk), now they are the "guilty race" (Sündervolk). [26] Im November 2011 erhielt er den von der Förderstiftung Konservative Bildung und Forschung und der Wochenzeitung Junge Freiheit verliehenen Gerhard-Löwenthal-Ehrenpreis für Publizistik 2011. [84], The American historian Charles Maier rejected Nolte's claims regarding the moral equivalence of the Holocaust and Soviet terror on the grounds that while the latter was extremely brutal, it did not seek the physical annihilation of an entire people as state policy. 332–346 from, “Zur Konzeption der Nationalgeschichte heute” pp. [72], In an essay entitled "The Nazi Reign – A Case of Normal Tyranny? 249–335 from, "Eine frühe Quelle zu Hitlers Antisemitismus" pp. [20], Nolte believed that, for Hitler, Jews represented "the historical process itself". Januar 1923 in Witten; † 18. [34] In response, an editor and co-publisher of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Joachim Fest, allowed Nolte to have his speech printed as a feuilleton in his newspaper. [52], In particular, Habermas took Nolte to task for suggesting a moral equivalence between the Holocaust and the Khmer Rouge genocide. Geiss wrote Nolte's critics had "taken in isolation" his statements and were guilty of being "hasty readers"[45]. [96] In October 1999, Evans stated in response that he agreed with Nolte on those points but argued that form of argument to be an attempt by Nolte to avoid responding to his criticism of him during the Historikerstreit. Nachdem 2003/2004 der CDU-Bundestagsabgeordnete Martin Hohmann wegen seiner als antisemitisch betrachteten Rede zum Tag der Deutschen Einheit aus Partei und Fraktion ausgeschlossen worden war, erklärte Nolte Hohmann zum tapferen und respektablen Streiter für Meinungs- und Gewissensfreiheit. 511–539 from, Perfetti, Francesco “La concezione transpolitica della storia nel carteggio Nolte-Del Noce” pp. Angela Merkel lehnte es ab, die Laudatio auf Nolte zu halten. [22] According to Nolte, "In Hitler's extermination of the Jews, it was not a case of criminals committing criminal deeds, but of a uniquely monstrous action in which principles ran riot in a frenzy of self-destruction". Cherribi Nolte IEIS Conference Arno J Mayer-001.jpg 1,200 × 800; 547 KB. And if it had at least stopped with deportation. 111–122 from, Bauer, Yehuda "A Past That Will Not Go Away" pp. [41] Nolte claimed if Germany had to continue to abide by Part V of the Treaty of Versailles, which had disarmed Germany, then Germany would have been destroyed by aggression from her neighbors sometime later in the 1930s, and with Germany's destruction, there would have been no hope for a "United States of Europe". Noyabr: 1990: Writer . Nach der – an Max Weber angelehnten – typologischen Methode werden als allgemeine Merkmale des Faschismus Antimarxismus, Antiliberalismus, Nationalismus, Gewalt und Propaganda ermittelt, wobei Nolte selbst auf die Grenzen dieses Verfahrens verweist, da Rassismus oder Antisemitismus hier keine definitorische Rolle spielen. With Ernst Nolte, Andreas Hillgruber, Helmut Kohl, Michael Stürmer. [102], In his 2005 book The Russian Roots of Nazism: White Émigrés and The Making of National Socialism, the American historian Michael Kellogg argued that there were two extremes of thinking about the origins of National Socialism, with Nolte arguing for a "causal nexus" between communism in Russia and Nazism in Germany, but the other extreme was represented by the American historian Daniel Goldhagen, whose theories ate a unique German culture of "eliminationist" anti-Semitism. 3–18 from, Grab, Walter “German Historians And The Trivialization Of Nazi Criminality: Critical Remarks On The Apologetics Of Joachim Fest, Ernst Nolte And Andreas Hillgruber” pp. 1973 folgte er einem Ruf an die FU Berlin, an der er am Friedrich-Meinecke-Institut bis zu seiner Emeritierung im Jahr 1991 als Professor für Neuere Geschichte wirkte. Impulse zur Historisierung des Nationalsozialismus, hrsg. Nolte was born in Witten, Westphalia, Germany to a Roman Catholic family. Paul Nolte German historian and sociologist. Originally trained in philosophy, he was professor emeritus of modern history at the Free University of Berlin, where he taught from 1973 until his 1991 retirement. [44] A common line of criticism was that Nazi crimes, above all the Holocaust, were singular and unique in their nature, and should not be loosely analogized to the crimes of others. [8] Die Argumentation mit einer „jüdischen Kriegserklärung“ an Deutschland hatte Nolte dem rechtsextremen Schrifttum entnommen. [75] In Der europäische Bürgerkrieg, Nolte claimed that the intentions of Holocaust deniers are "often honorable", and that some of their claims are "not evidently without foundation". 83–103 from, Gauweiler, Peter "Bocksgesang im Duett" pp. [55] In the same letter, Nolte described himself as the unnamed historian whose views on the reasons for the Holocaust had caused Saul Friedländer to walk out in disgust from a dinner party hosted by Nolte in Berlin in February or March 1986 that Habermas had alluded to an earlier letter[56][57]. Die Rezeption dieses Buches war überwiegend ablehnend. Nolte was a prominent conservative academic from the early 1960s and was involved in many controversies related to the interpretation of the history of fascism and communism, including the Historikerstreit in the late 1980s. Nolte married Annedore Mortier[3] and they had a son, Georg Nolte, now a professor of international law at Humboldt University of Berlin. In Kershaw's opinion, Nolte is attempting to imply that Holocaust deniers are perhaps on to something. 273–278 from, Gutman, Yisreal "Nolte and Revisionism" pp. 30–32 from, Sauer, Wolfgang "National Socialism: Totalitarianism or Fascism?" Nolte's major interest was the comparative studies of fascism and communism (cf. [20], Noltes Ablehnung der Verschärfung des § 130 StGB (Strafbarkeit der Holocaustleugnung als Volksverhetzung) in einem Zeitungsartikel als „Gefahr für die geistige Freiheit“ Deutschlands stieß ebenfalls überwiegend auf Unverständnis. [29] Nolte called the Cold War, the ideological and political conflict for the future structure of a united world, carried on for an indefinite period since 1917 (indeed anticipated as early as 1776) by several militant universalisms, each of which possesses at least one major state. He did not feel there was a precise parallel, as Nolte suggested, between the Holocaust and dekulakization. Seine These von einem „kausalen Nexus“ zwischen den Verbrechen des Gulag-Systems in der Sowjetunion und dem Holocaust, der Vernichtung der europäischen Juden im Nationalsozialismus, löste 1986 den Historikerstreit aus. [22] In diesem Buch stellte Nolte auch die These auf, eine sogenannte „Okzidentose“ bedrohe „den ganzen Islam von innen“ und habe „viel mit dem Wirken der Juden innerhalb der angeblich christlichen Kultur zu tun“. [98], In August 2000, Nolte wrote a favorable review in the Die Woche newspaper of Norman Finkelstein’s book The Holocaust Industry, claiming Finkelstein’s book buttressed his claim that the memory of the Holocaust had been used by Jewish groups for their own reasons. [61], The historian Eberhard Jäckel, in an essay first published in the Die Zeit newspaper on September 12, 1986, argued that Nolte's theory was ahistorical on the grounds that Hitler held the Soviet Union in contempt and could not have felt threatened as Nolte claimed. Nolte cited the flight of Yuri Gagarin in 1961 as an example of “practical transcendence”, of how humanity was pressing forward in its technological development and rapidly acquiring powers traditionally thought to be only the province of the gods. Januar . There were other equally horrible acts of violence in the 20th century. [1] Die „Last“, gegenüber vielen Gleichaltrigen bevorzugt worden zu sein, die wie sein jüngerer Bruder im Zweiten Weltkrieg gefallen waren, erklärte er später als wichtiges Movens für seine lebenslange Beschäftigung mit dem Nationalsozialismus: „zwar in Abneigung, aber ohne Hass“. Comparison of Nazism and Stalinism). 1985 erhielt er für seine „Verdienste um die Festigung und Förderung der Grundlagen eines freiheitlichen Gemeinwesens“ den Hanns Martin Schleyer-Preis. [22] Nolte's theories about Nazi antisemitism as a rejection of modernity inspired the Israeli historian Otto Dov Kulka to argue that National Socialism was an attack on "the very roots of Western civilisation, its basic values and moral foundations". 1–11 from, “The Relationship Between "Bourgeois" And "Marxist" Historiography” pp. 29.05.2016 22:30 Uhr Ein deutscher Streitfall - Der Historiker Ernst Nolte Vor 30 Jahren: "Historikerstreit" in der Bundesrepublik | ARD-alpha Sezession Im Netz Blog-Archiv Ernst Nolte Wird Heute 90. [21], In seinem Buch Die dritte radikale Widerstandsbewegung: Der Islamismus versuchte Nolte laut dem Zeithistoriker und Terrorismusforscher Walter Laqueur, den Islamismus „in die großen politischen Systeme unserer Zeit einzuordnen“. Diese These, die Nolte indessen nicht dazu veranlasste, die Singularität des Holocaust in Frage zu stellen, erweiterte er zur Behauptung eines „europäischen Bürgerkriegs“, der von 1917 bis 1945 getobt habe. 265–289 from, “Une Querelle D'Allemandes? It was translated into English as Fascism and Communism in 2001. In his 2006 book No Simple Victory, the British historian Norman Davies lends Nolte's theories support: Ten years later, in The European Civil War (1987), the German historian Ernst Nolte (b. [41] The British historian Richard J. Evans accused Nolte of engaging in a geopolitical fantasy.[42]. Sponsored Links. It is probable that many of these reports were exaggerated. He expressed regret that he would not have enough time for a full study of Islamic fascism[102] In the same interview, Nolte said that he could not forgive Augstein for calling Hillgruber a "constitutional Nazi" during the Historikerstreit and claimed that Wehler had helped to hound Hillgruber to his death in 1989. Both ideologies typify in a radical way the contradictions of liberalism. Hitler habe zudem „schwerwiegende Gründe“ gehabt, die Juden seit 1939 als feindlich gesinnt zu betrachten „und entsprechende Maßnahmen zu ergreifen“ – womit Nolte allerdings nicht deren Ermordung meinte. [64] Fleischer accused Habermas of seeking to impose on Germans a left-wing moral understanding of the Nazi period and of creating a “moral” Sondergericht (Special Court). Insbesondere seine Studien zum europäischen Faschismus, die er in den 1960er Jahren vorlegte, waren einflussreich. pp. [86], In a 1987 essay, the Austrian-born Israeli historian Walter Grab accused Nolte of engaging in an “apologia” for Nazi Germany. The First World War had spawned the Bolshevik Revolution, he maintained, and fascism should be seen as a "counter-revolution" against communism. Nolte has always vehemently denied these charges, and has insisted that he is a neo-liberal in his politics. Es ging ums Ganze, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung#FAZ.NETFAZ.NET, https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/soc.culture.german/P6DjMX4NUBw, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ernst_Nolte&oldid=209016013, Hochschullehrer (Philipps-Universität Marburg), Hochschullehrer (Freie Universität Berlin), Absolvent der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“, deutscher Historiker, Philosoph und Autor. [85] The American historian Donald McKale blasted both Nolte and Andreas Hillgruber for their statements that the Allied strategic bombing offensives were just as much acts of genocide as the Holocaust, writing that that was just the sort of nonsense one would expect from Nazi apologists like Nolte and Hillgruber. In his 1987 book Der europäische Bürgerkrieg, 1917–1945, Nolte argued in the interwar period, Germany was Europe's best hope for progress. Zu den Rezensionen von Hans Mommsen und Wolfgang Schieder” pp. From all this it begins to be apparent what is meant by ‘transcendence’.[18]. Nolte has little regard for specific historical context in his treatment of the history of ideas, opting to seek what Carl Schmitt labeled the abstract "final" or "ultimate" ends of ideas, which for Nolte are the most extreme conclusions which can be drawn from an idea, representing the ultima terminus of the "metapolitical". He was the father of the legal scholar and judge of the International Court of Justice Georg Nolte. Nolte selbst stellte 1978 in einem „Rückblick nach fünfzehn Jahren“ klar, dass dies ein Missverständnis sei: „In Wahrheit wollte ich die Totalitarismustheorie differenzieren, historisieren und bis zu einem gewissen Grade auch entemotionalisieren, aber ich wollte sie weder überwinden noch verdrängen“.[6]. Category:Paul Nolte. Aspects of the Third Reich, London, 1985). Deutscher Streitfall: Der Historiker Ernst Nolte: 2006: TV Movie documentary: Helden ohne Ruhm: 2003: TV Movie documentary: Was war links? Nolte defined "transcendence" as a "metapolitical" force comprising two types of change. People also Searched. Cherribi Nolte IEIS Conference Arno J Mayer.jpg 1,200 × 800; 615 KB. 12–22 from, Brockmann, Stephen "The Politics Of German History" pp. Er fand seine letzte Ruhestätte auf dem Friedhof der St.-Matthias-Gemeinde in Berlin-Tempelhof.[5]. Juli 1980 in einem Artikel der FAZ geäußert hatte. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 20. [9] Nach Ansicht des Erziehungswissenschaftlers Micha Brumlik ist Nolte damit „der erste deutsche, einigermaßen renommierte Gelehrte, der sowohl den Antisemitismus als auch den Holocaust nicht nur ‚versteht‘, sondern offen rechtfertigt“. pp. 389–417 from, “Zusammenbruch und Neubeginn: die Bedeutung des 8. [66], In an essay first published in Die Zeit on September 26, 1986, the historian Jürgen Kocka argued against Nolte that the Holocaust was indeed a “singular” event because it had been committed by an advanced Western nation, and argued that Nolte's comparisons of the Holocaust with similar mass killings in Pol Pot's Cambodia, Joseph Stalin's Soviet Union, and Idi Amin's Uganda were invalid because of the backward nature of those societies. [5][6] From 1944 onwards, Nolte was a close friend of the Heidegger family, and when in 1945 the professor feared arrest by the French, Nolte provided him with food and clothing for an attempted escape. Nolte came to notice with his 1963 book Der Faschismus in seiner Epoche (Fascism in Its Epoch; translated into English in 1965 as The Three Faces of Fascism), in which he argued that fascism arose as a form of resistance to and a reaction against modernity. ", first published in Die neue Gesellschaft magazine in late 1986, the political scientist Walter Euchner wrote that Nolte was wrong when he wrote of Hitler's alleged terror of the Austrian Social Democratic Party parades before 1914, arguing that Social Democratic parties in both Germany and Austria were fundamentally humane and pacifistic, instead of the terrorist-revolutionary entities Nolte alleged them to be.[73]. Denn Nolte fasst in seiner Faschismustheorie nicht nur den deutschen Nationalsozialismus und den italienischen Faschismus Mussolinis, sondern auch die Action française, eine rechtsextreme französische Bewegung der Dritten Republik, zusammen, deren Rassenantisemitismus unmittelbar auf die Weltanschauung Hitlers vorausweise. In Nolte's opinion, Nazi Germany was a "mirror image" of the Soviet Union and, with the exception of the "technical detail" of mass gassing, everything the Nazis did in Germany had already been done by the communists in Russia. Nolte called the Federal Republic "a state born of contemporary history, a product of catastrophe erected to overcome catastrophe"[95] In a Feuilleton piece published in Die Welt entitled “Auschwitz als Argument in der Geschichtstheorie” (Auschwitz as An Argument in Historical Theory) on 2 January 1999, Nolte criticized his old opponent Richard J. Evans for his book In The Defence of History, on the grounds that aspects of the Holocaust are open to revision and so Evans’s attacks on Nolte during the Historikerstreit had been unwarranted. – Frankfurt a. M./Berlin: Propyläen 1990. [12], In den Jahren nach dem Höhepunkt des Historikerstreits wurde Nolte unter Historikern zunehmend isoliert. Later in the 1970s, Nolte was to reject aspects of the theory of generic fascism that he had championed in The Three Faces of Fascism and instead moved closer to embracing totalitarian theory as a way of explaining both Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union. The Quarrel of the German Historians" pp. [87] Grab wrote that Nolte "mocks" the Jewish victims of National Socialism with his "absolutely infamous" statement that it was Weizmann with his letter that caused all of the Jewish death and suffering during the Holocaust.[87]. Nolte rückt hier Faschismus, Nationalsozialismus und Bolschewismus in ein enges Entsprechungsverhältnis, in dem der Bolschewismus anstoßgebendes Vorbild und „Schreckbild“[7] Hitlers gewesen sei. After Furet's death, their correspondence was published as a book in France in 1998, Fascisme et Communisme: échange épistolaire avec l'historien allemand Ernst Nolte prolongeant la Historikerstreit (Fascism and Communism: Epistolary Exchanges with the German Historian Ernst Nolte Extending the Historikerstreit). [21] Nolte argues that Hitler was "logically consistent" in seeking genocide of the Jews because Hitler detested modernity and identified Jews with the things that he most hated in the world. Faceted Browser ; Sparql Endpoint ; Browse using . [23], The Three Faces of Fascism has been much praised[citation needed] as a seminal contribution to the creation of a theory of generic fascism based on a history of ideas, as opposed to the previous class-based analyses (especially the "Rage of the Lower Middle Class" thesis) that had characterized both Marxist and liberal interpretations of fascism. In particular, controversy centered on an argument of Nolte's 1985 essay “Between Myth and Revisionism” from the book Aspects of the Third Reich, first published in German as "Die negative Lebendigkeit des Dritten Reiches" ("The Negative Vitality of the Third Reich") as an opinion piece in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on 24 July 1980, but which did not attract widespread attention until 1986 when Jürgen Habermas criticized the essay in a feuilleton piece. [101] In a June 2006 interview with the newspaper Die Welt, Nolte echoed theories that he had first expressed in The Three Faces of Fascism by identifging Islamic fundamentalism as a "third variant", after communism and National Socialism, of "the resistance to transcendence". Er war einer der wichtigsten deutschen Historiker der Nachkriegszeit. Intervista ad Ernst Nolte", Le Lettere, 2008, Landkammer, Joachim “Nazionalsocialismo e Bolscevismo tra universalismo e particolarismo” pp. Maurras' and Hitler's real enemy was seen to be ‘freedom towards the infinite’ which, intrinsic in the individual and a reality in evolution, threatens to destroy the familiar and beloved. [62] Jäckel later described Nolte's methods as a "game of confusion", comprising dressing hypotheses up as questions and then attacking critics demanding evidence for his assertions as seeking to block one from asking questions. [13] Kershaw described Nolte's theory of fascism as "resistance to transcendence" as "mystical and mystifying". [50] In the same review Hildebrand argued Nolte had in a praiseworthy way sought: "to incorporate in historicizing fashion that central element for the history of National Socialism and of the "Third Reich" of the annihilatory capacity of the ideology and of the regime, and to comprehend this totalitarian reality in the interrelated context of Russian and German history". Februar 2021 um 02:55 Uhr bearbeitet. 61–81 from, Corni, Gustavo “La storiografia 'privata' di Ernst Nolte” pp. 14–25 from V, This page was last edited on 18 February 2021, at 12:50. Another area of controversy was Nolte's 1987 book Der europäische Bürgerkrieg (The European Civil War) and some accompanying statements, by which Nolte appeared to flirt with Holocaust denial as a serious historical argument. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. [9], Criticism from the left, for example by Sir Ian Kershaw, centered on Nolte's focus on ideas as opposed to social and economic conditions as a motivating force for fascism, and that Nolte depended too much on fascist writings to support his thesis. [59] Fest accused Habermas of "academic dyslexia" and "character assassination" in his attacks on Nolte. Sein 1963 erschienenes Buch Der Faschismus in seiner Epoche wurde 1964 als Habilitationsschrift angenommen. Media in category "Hans-Heinrich Nolte" The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total. [2] Nolte was a prominent conservative academic from the early 1960s and was involved in many controversies related to the interpretation of the history of fascism and communism, including the Historikerstreit in the late 1980s. [10], Neben massiven methodischen und quellenkundlichen Vorwürfen[11] setzte die Kritik in der Folgezeit an Noltes Verständnis der NS-Ideologie an: Bei Nolte sei deren Antisemitismus eine Abwehrideologie gegenüber einer konkreten Bedrohung, tatsächlich aber sei er von Beginn an ein entscheidendes Wesensmerkmal der nationalsozialistischen Ideologie und ihrer völkischen Vorläufer gewesen, was beispielsweise für den italienischen Faschismus in dieser Aggressivität nicht gelte.
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