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If you own a Bose-branded SoundTouch speaker, or certain home entertainment systems from the company, there’s an update coming soon that will add AirPlay 2 to the features list.. Bose has updated its support forums (via MacRumors) to indicate that the company is adding AirPlay 2 support to select SoundTouch speakers in the near future.Specifically, before the end of February. Bose has added Airplay 2 capabilities to their SoundTouch and Lifestyle speakers in their most recent firmware update, making it possible to stream high quality audio from Mac and iOS devices. SoundTouch 20 Series III. The company made the announcement about the Bose AirPlay 2 update in its support forum. This video is about the Bose Soundtouch 300 firmware update to allow AirPlay2 functionality. Bose has begun rolling out a firmware update that will bring AirPlay 2 support to some of its speakers. You can also manually check if an update is available in the SoundTouch app as follows: Download the free SoundTouch app here: From time to time, updates will be available for your SoundTouch system. In a forum post, Bose confirmed that its SoundTouch Firmware update, version 24.0.7 would begin rolling out on Tuesday, February 18:. After deleting my old SoundTouch speakers from the SoundTouch app, I installed the updated speakers without event. When an update is available, the SoundTouch app will prompt you to install the update when you open the app. Airplay2 Support on: SoundTouch 10. All my SoundTouch speakers, Smart Home 300 speaker and Cinemate 130 (via Samsung tv) link together using Airplay 2. Simply log into the SoundTouch app and accept the update … Vielmehr möchte man sich entschuldigen. What is in this release? Download and install Bose SoundTouch App SoundTouch systems using the accessory SoundTouch adapter will search for updates automatically upon opening the SoundTouch app. Lifestyle 550 home entertainment system So SoundTouch users will now be able to start music on their iPhone and have it play back on the Bose speaker. Bose began roll out of firmware update 24.0.7 on Tuesday, with AirPlay 2 expected to reach all of the below devices by February 25: SoundTouch 10 SoundTouch 20 Series III SoundTouch 300 soundbar. Bose Wave SoundTouch Music System IV. Nein, Bose hat nicht erst zur CES 2020 die Unterstützung von AirPlay 2 auf SoundTouch-Lautsprechern angekündigt. If an update is available, the app will prompt you to update. AirPlay 2 support is being rolled out as part of a free over-the-air software update via the Bose SoundTouch app for iPhone and iPad. Bose is already a major player in the the AirPlay 2 speaker market - what with the likes of the Portable Home Speaker and the Soundbar range all getting support last year - and the good news is Apple's streaming platform is hitting even more speakers, thanks to a firmware update.. Starting on Tuesday, February 18th, the 24.0.7 firmware update will be rolled out for Bose SoundTouch Speakers. SoundTouch 30 Series III. Starting on Tuesday, February 18th, the 24.0.7 firmware update will be rolled out for Bose SoundTouch Speakers. Today I received my SoundTouch 30’s back from Bose with the Airplay hardware component update. Bose SoundTouch SA-5 Amplifier. When the update is available for your speaker(s), log into the SoundTouch app and accept the update.
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