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Have they forgotten that they voted for this? Police confirming it would be illegal under the current regulations which have restricted the rights and freedoms of the British people for the past year, and what a “vigil” it was…. Three days later the barmaid’s friends found her mutilated body in a derelict hut in Finsbury Park. “At this point, officers on the ground were faced with a very difficult decision. Es ist unser schlimmster Horror – und wir leben tagtäglich mit dieser Angst. Retracing Sarah Everard's last known movements is confronting, to say the least. In 2018 a 22 year-old barmaid was reported missing by friends when she failed to arrive at a Christmas celebration on the 24th December. "Sie schrieb, sie wisse, dass Worte nicht ändern können, was passiert ist." [54] Four people were arrested for public-order offences and for breaching the Coronavirus Act 2020. Throughout the early part of the day, hundreds of people attended to pay their respects. But maybe this will be the event that wakes the British people from their docile compliance and slumber? [37] Talks between organisers and police broke down;[38][39] The police had advised the organisers that it would be considered an illegal gathering under COVID‑19 pandemic restrictions and the court refused a request to intervene in the police decision. But the question remains, why has the kidnapping and murder of Sarah Everard managed to garner so much media attention? [15], Couzens joined the Metropolitan Police in September 2018[26] and was assigned to the Parliamentary and Diplomatic Protection branch,[10] which is responsible for uniformed protection of government and diplomatic premises. Some started to make speeches from the bandstand. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Organisatoren einer mahnwache für sarah everard suchen eine gerichtliche anordnung, um ihr recht auf protest zu behaupten, nachdem die metropolregionspolizei ihre position umgekehrt hat, um das ereignis zu ermöglichen, das ereignis zu ermöglichen, um das ereignis zu ermöglichen. It is currently succeeding in its purpose to divide a nation and distract from other events which are currently playing out. Vor rund einer Woche ist Sarah Everard nachts spurlos in London verschwunden und später tot aufgefunden worden. Der gewaltsame Tod von Sarah Everard hat Großbritannien erschüttert. Yes we can blame the politicians for voting in favour of enforcing such tyranny, and we can blame the Government and the Police for actually enforcing it, but ultimately we are where we are because the majority of the British public have done nothing, and complied with dictatorial authoritarian tyranny for 12 months and counting – this is on them, and them alone. "[64][66][67][68] HMICFRS also concluded that the Met had incorrectly interpreted coronavirus-related restrictions due to legal confusion, and that not all demonstrations during a Tier 4 lockdown are unlawful. The above image will forever more be symbolic of the suppression of women. In Indien ist ein Vergewaltigungsopfer auf dem Weg zu einer Anhörung vor Gericht mit Benzin übergossen und angezündet worden. "Sie schrieb, sie wisse, dass Worte nicht ändern können, was passiert ist." Laughable. Während der mutmaßliche Täter vor Gericht … [5][8][9] She walked across the common, along the A205 South Circular Road, en route to her home. [50] Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, attended, with Kensington Palace releasing a statement saying that the Duchess "remembers what it was like to walk around London at night before she was married". [29][9] The plea hearing and provisional trial are set for 9 July and 25 October 2021 respectively. It’s even mentioned in every ad break. [62] Dick declined to resign and dismissed criticism of the police response. «Sie schrieb, sie wisse, dass Worte nicht ändern können, was passiert ist.» Aber sie habe die Angehörigen wissen lassen wollen, dass sie und Sarah in ihren Gedanken sind. Can you help us to compete with the Mainstream Media? [32] Patel announced that new laws are being considered to protect women against sexual harassment in public, including the potential of making public harassment a specifically defined crime. Die 33-Jährige hatte ihre Freundin auf ein Glas Wein besucht. Auch am Montagvormittag kamen zahlreiche Menschen in den Park Clapham Common im Londoner Süden, legten einen Strauß ab, gedachten Sarah Everard, die vor knapp zwei Wochen auf dem Nachhauseweg nahe des Parks entführt und ermordet wurde. [4][5][12] CCTV footage from a bus passing her route at 21:35 also assisted the investigation. Frau evenard, deren längerer bekannter standort in der nähe der clarence avenue war, hatte einen freund getroffen und in etwa 21 uhr nach hause gegangen. Why has it managed to suppress the 24/7 coverage of the alleged pandemic which has littered the mainstream airways for the past year? März verschwand Sarah Everard in London. Her abduction and murder is not, in my opinion, a symptom of a sexist, dangerous society. [5] Police say the injury was sustained while he was alone in his cell. “Police must act for people’s safety, this is the only responsible thing to do. I can’t speak for all of them, but my reason for not attending is this: my friend’s tragic death has been hijacked. 45 Minuten ago . – Millions of Covid-19 test kits sold in 2017, Young Physio Therapist dies 2 days after having the Covid vaccine, Dr Vernon Coleman: “Covid Vaccines are Weapons of Mass Destruction and could wipe out the Human race” (Video), Neues Polizeigesetz passiert britisches Unterhaus, Neues Polizeigesetz passiert britisches Unterhaus - Die Welt, Advertise your business on The Daily Expose, SHOCKING! But where was the outrage last year when peaceful anti-lockdown protesters were set upon and arrested by the same police force? Denn die 33-Jährige kam nie zu Hause an: Sie wurde überfallen und ermordet. 20.00 uhr benachrichtigten. Everard had gone missing from the streets of south London on March 3. When something awful like this happens there is a rush to look for reasons and apportion blame. Councillor Angela Mason and others[48] criticised the police handling of this small vigil, which included asking local journalists to leave. Sarah Everard | Twitter handle of Lambeth Police, London. The last known sighting of Ms Everard was captured on a doorbell camera just after 9.30pm showing her walking alone toward Tulse Hill. [23][24], On 9 March, Kent Police arrested Wayne Couzens, a 48-year-old Metropolitan Police constable and firearms officer,[25] at his home in Deal,[26] on suspicion of kidnapping. It is not a tribute to her any more, it’s about something else – and I don’t like what it has become. ‘When I first heard of the vigil for Sarah on Clapham Common I was looking forward to attending – it felt good to be able to ‘do something’ and express my love for Sarah and my sorrow for what has happened to her. A sadistic sex attacker was jailed for her murder in which he reportedly struck Iluliana over the head with a bottle, and then stabbed her in the neck, abdomen and wrists with a broken bottle. [12][14][15] They also searched a garage linked to a suspect at the top of the white cliffs, next to St Martin's Battery, overlooking Dover Harbour. [53] By 6 p.m., a crowd of several hundred had congregated at the park's bandstand to hear speeches from Sisters Uncut. These speeches then attracted more people to gather closer together. But there are questions that need to be answered. He joined the metropolitan police force in September 2018, where he worked with a response team that covered Bromley. Für Lea Sauer ist das kein Zufall - denn Taten wie diese passieren überall auf der Welt. The police have formally identified the body of a woman found in woodland in Kent, to be that of Sarah Everard. Sarah Everard verschwand am Heimweg von ihrer Freundin. - U.K. Government release 9th report on Adverse Reactions to the Covid Vaccines, EXCLUSIVE - Hospital Medical Director says level of sickness in NHS staff after Covid Vaccination is "Unprecedented". Sarah Everard: Seit Tagen bewegt der Tod der 33-jährigen Britin Sarah Everard Großbritannien. As can be seen via her ad at [17][18][19], On 14 March, police cordoned off a section of The Rope Walk in Sandwich, Kent, in relation to the investigation. Die 33-jährige Sarah Everard war Anfang März mutmaßlich von einem Polizisten von einer Straße in Südlondon entführt und getötet worden. The barmaid’s name we doubt anybody reading can recall – it was Iuliana Tudos. The Metropoliton Police in London has come under widespread criticism for handcuffing protesters who had gathered to mourn Sarah Everard, a 33 … O.N.S data now shows that deaths in the UK have fallen below the five-year national average, Covid cases have fallen dramatically – thanks in part to the parameters of the PCR test being altered by the World Health Organisation, after the quiet admission at the beginning of the year that the cycle threshold being used to detect SARS-CoV-2 was too high – something we’ve said all along. [4][8][10] She spoke to her boyfriend on her mobile phone for about fifteen minutes and agreed to meet him the next day. The authorities with the help of the mainstream media have succeeded in creating a problem, we are now in the midst of the reaction, the question is – what will be the solution? If the suspect police officer in custody is eventually tried and found guilty of her murder, then I will hold him alone responsible. The last known sighting of Ms Everard was captured on a doorbell camera just after 9.30pm showing her walking alone toward Tulse Hill. Sarah Everard: Der Mord an der 33-jährigen Britin Sarah Everard wühlt tausende Menschen auf. If it was then it has certainly backfired spectacularly. Sarah Everard, originally from York, had left her friend’s house in Leathwaite Road around 9pm on the 3rd March. "Baroness Jenny Jones says 'police don't take the harassment of women on the street seriously' as she suggests a 6pm curfew for men after police reportedly advised women "not to go out alone"., To those who do not believe it has been hijacked to suit another agenda we point you to a recent article written by one of Sarah Everard’s friends for Spiked in which she wrote the following –. Despite what has happened to Sarah allegedly at the hands of this man, I will continue to believe that. Before we proceed we need to state that we are in no way belittling or downplaying the severity of this horrific crime. She read Human Geography at St Cuthbert's Society, Durham University, from 2005 to 2008. [4][5] At the time of her death, Everard lived in the Brixton Hill area and worked as a marketing executive for a digital media agency. So what was so special about this case? However, in one interview JKR was asked what happened to her that she was so traumatized afterwards. [70][71][72] the police response was described as "hands-off" and "markedly different" to that on 13 March. On 10 March, her remains were discovered in woodland near Ashford, Kent. He was later posted to the Parliamentary and Diplomatic Protection Command in February 2020, where he was mostly sent on uniformed patrol duties of diplomatic premises, including a range of embassies. "CRIME IS CHANGING" Sarah Everard was murdered over a month ago.....a Metropolitan Policeman has been arrested.....god bless this beautiful's a tragedy It's a tragedy -Nature of Wires & Lady Bnow At the time of her death, Everard lived in the Brixton Hill area and worked as a marketing executive for a digital media agency. [16] On 12 March, Everard's body was identified through dental records. Got a story you think the public needs to hear? We do wonder if the events that took place last night at what was billed as a vigil to the kidnapping and murder of Sarah Everard, were supposed to get the public on side and support the dictatorial powers of which the Government longs for now that it has had a taste of them over the past year. Denn es ist ein Fall, der uns vor Augen führt, dass das, was mit Sarah Everard geschehen ist, uns allen passieren kann. [40] Events planned for Edinburgh and Cardiff were officially cancelled in favour of online events. [52], The direct action group Sisters Uncut encouraged people to attend "with your sadness and your rage". Donate by card, Despite Pfizer stating that the vaccine is 100% effective at protecting individuals …, Two teachers in Italy have sadly died after receiving the Oxford / …, I am not an Anti-vaxxer. Sarah everard, 33, 33, verschwand beim wandern in brixton, south london, aus dem nahe gelegenen clapham-junction-bereich. [2] She was raised in York, where she attended Fulford School. [65] The HMICFRS report also said "Condemnation of the Met’s actions within mere hours of the vigil – including from people in positions of responsibility – was unwarranted, showed a lack of respect for public servants facing a complex situation, and undermined public confidence in policing based on very limited evidence." ), and I feel certain she would not agree with the circumstances of her disappearance being used to promote these kinds of ideas.‘, Even Sarah’s own friends can see this for what it really is. Donate via PayPal Kate wohnte vor ihrer Beziehung mit William gemeinsam mit ihrer Schwester Pippa Middleton in einer Wohnung nur wenige Kilometer entfernt von der Gegend, in der Sarah Everard verschwand. We urgently need your help!Please support us in our April Fundraising Campaign to help us to compete with the mainstream media and bring you even more of the facts that the mainstream refuse to…, Please click the red button to donate via PayPal Hate PayPal? die mögliche herausforderung ist zu einem zeitpunkt der anbringung von angenehmigkeit über die polizei und die … Couzens was charged with kidnapping and murder two days later, following identification of the remains as those of Everard.[1]. Dass die britische Grünen-Politikerin Jenny Jones eine […], […] Everard sei von interessierter Seite ausgenutzt worden, um von anderen Themen abzulenken, aber auch diese Theorie kann eine Ablenkung in sich sein. [71], Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services,, "Sarah Everard profile: 'Caring and fun-filled' marketing executive attracted friends wherever she went", "York head teacher speaks of 'great sadness' at former pupil's disappearance", "Who is missing woman Sarah Everard and what do we know about her? I believe that many vaccines have improved …, A freedom of information request made to the Scottish Government has revealed …, Twitter have censored our account for good – Please follow us here …, A GP in the United Kingdom has lambasted the relentless and coercive …, The Democrat-dominated New York state Senate has passed a bill “allowing” government officials to …, For twelve long months the people of the United Kingdom have been …, We're told that the alleged SARS-CoV-2 virus first appeared in Wuhan, China …. Wayne Couzens, a police officer, was charged with Sarah’s kidnapping and murder and appeared in person before Westminster Magistrates’ Court on Saturday 13th March following his arrest on Tuesday 9th March. Festgenommen wurde ein Polizist. The fact this was carried out by a police officer makes it arguably worse, considering they are supposed to serve and protect the public. Well whilst the British public are distracted by this coverage, and whilst the mainstream gives a voice to those calling for men to be put on a 6pm curfew here’s what is not being reported to the British public…. [30] He appeared at Westminster Magistrates' Court on 13 March and was remanded in custody before appearing at the Old Bailey via video link from Belmarsh Prison on 16 March. [27], On 11 March, Couzens was briefly hospitalised for a head injury sustained in custody, after which he was returned to a police station. They also said that the police response was a "public relations disaster" with a "materially adverse effect on public confidence in policing"; the review added, "We acknowledge that a more conciliatory response might have served the force's interests better. [10][12] Everard's boyfriend contacted the police on 4 March after she did not meet him. This unfortunate event has been hijacked and politicised to the extreme, its real purpose to divide a nation even further, and distract from other events which are currently playing out. Und Sarah Everard ist das passiert, was Frauen jeden Abend, jede Nacht, wann immer sie auf dem Heimweg sind, alleine unterwegs sind, fürchten. Speaking about Everard and her … If the past year is anything to go by we have entered the ‘Age of Coincidences’. Ich hatte fast ein bisschen Mitleid mit dem Mann. [41][42] Cambridge also was scheduled to go online. Yet the authorities still plan to keep the nation locked up until the 24th June at the earliest – no wonder the public are being distracted by the murder of a young woman and the outrage that has followed. ... Auch zu Everard gab es solche Kommentare. Is it just a coincidence that this woman, Patsy Stevenson is an actress? Ich habe das Recht, nachts alleine nach Hause zu gehen. Schreib mir, wenn du zuhause bist – warum der Fall Sarah Everard uns alle etwas angeht Es macht unendlich traurig, betroffen und ohnmächtig zu lesen, was der 33-jährigen Sarah Everard passiert ist… Less than a day later, I decided not to attend, as have many of her friends. [51] She was later reported to have sent a personal letter to Everard's family to express "her sadness and sympathy". [36] The day before the vigils were due to take place, a message was sent to all police chiefs that made it clear that, because of the Covid risk, Patel wanted them to stop people gathering at vigils; she also promised she would personally urge people not to gather. What is so special about this event? On the evening of 3 March 2021, 33-year-old marketing executive Sarah Everard disappeared in South London. [45] Another in Russell Square, although also officially cancelled,[46][47] saw a few people lighting candles. Refusing to partake in a vigil for their murdered friend as the sad situation has been hijacked. [3] She read Human Geography at St Cuthbert's Society, Durham University, from 2005 to 2008. Where was the 24/7 media coverage then? At the court hearing, details emerged that Sarah Everard’s body was identified by her dental records after it was found in a large bag similar to ones used by builders to transport heavy loads. They would never wish harm on anyone else, let alone attack or kill someone. [11] On 10 March, the day Everard's remains were discovered, he was re-arrested on suspicion of murder. [44] Small gatherings also took place at locations in London. Sarah Everard was born in Surrey in 1987. Why not support 'The Daily Expose' in their mission to report the facts that the mainstream refuse to instead? She was raised in York, where she attended Fulford School. „Sturm der Liebe“-„Nadja“ verlässt die Serie – das ist passiert. Sarah Everard Case: The United Kingdom is once again embroiled in a different controversy, and the latest being disappearance and death of a 33-year-old marketing executive known as Sarah Everard from South London followed by the arrest of a police officer accused of murdering her. [49], A vigil for Everard took place on Clapham Common on 13 March. [33], The Metropolitan Police asked the Independent Office for Police Conduct to conduct an investigation into whether two officers had responded appropriately to a report from 28 February that Couzens had indecently exposed himself at a fast-food restaurant in south London; he was being questioned in connection with that crime when he was accused of murder. In 2020 the rate of murder in the UK was 11.7 per 1 million people, there were a total of 694 murders, of which 506 were male victims and 188 were female. This is a flawed argument as when the intense media coverage began there was not a suspect. As we saw last week from Baroness Jenny Jones of the Green Party, who stood up in parliament and suggested the curfew and has been given a voice on mainstream news to continue the call ever since. [25], A woman in her 30s was arrested at his address on suspicion of assisting an offender[15] but subsequently released without charge. "Sie schrieb, sie wisse, dass Worte nicht ändern können, was passiert ist." ... Herzogin Kate legt Blumen an Gedenkort für getötete Sarah Everard (†33) nieder . With Priti Patel responsible for enforcing it. [4], At 16:20 on 10 March, police searching Hoad's Wood[13] near Ashford, Kent, found human remains in a large builder's bag. TV and Film „Sturm der Liebe“-„Nadja“ verlässt die Serie – das ist passiert 10 Monaten ago . Jetzt teilen Frauen in den Sozialen Medien Tipps, … Die Londonerin Sarah Everard hat sich nicht gemeldet, als sie sich am Abend des 3. I will not be blaming ‘men’ or ‘the police’ for the actions of one individual. [29], Couzens was charged with Everard's kidnapping and murder on 12 March, following authorisation from the Crown Prosecution Service. "Men don't understand the pressure that women are under. Sarah everard, 33, 33, verschwand beim wandern in brixton, ... Kurz darauf endete der anruf um 9.28 uhr, glauben ihre freunde, dass etwas mit ihr passiert ist. Das ist Täter-Opfer-Umkehr und muss aufhören. [11][27][34], Country-wide vigils to be held on Saturday 13 March were organised by a new group,[35] Reclaim These Streets. I don’t think Sarah would have wanted them, or men in general, to be smeared with the same brush as her attacker. Most people, and indeed men, are good. Am 3. Hundreds of people were packed tightly together, posing a very real risk of easily transmitting Covid-19. Perhaps even more symbolic for the fact the woman is wearing a mask – the ultimate symbol of subjugation. The suggestion by a Green Party peer, that all men should be under curfew after dark to help women feel safer on the streets, is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard.

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