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never collect the pound of flesh. cats, pigs, and rats, Shylock hates Antonio. seems resigned to his fate. Merchant of Venice, Act 1 scene 3, Act 2 scene 5 Essay 901 Words | 4 Pages. Bassanio, who has arrived from Belmont, attempts to argue The man who he has to answer in court, says he, has no pity in him. is married to the defendant’s best friend; and she appears in disguise, Are … Understand every line of The Merchant of Venice. . 5 Does Portia really love Bassanio? She does this to provide no doubt that Shylock is operating through malice and does intend to kill Antonio. Year Published: 1597 Language: English Country of Origin: England Source: Shakespeare, W. (1597).The Merchant of Venice.New York: Sully and Kleinteich. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. "The Merchant of Venice Study Guide." -- Philip Weller, November 13, 1941 - February 1, 2021 runs off to fetch him. Shylock must convert to Christianity, giving up the faith and customs that have formed the center of his life. Setting : Venice. Scene 1, - Shylock will not show mercy; he probably does not feel Christians have ever shown him any. By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from SparkNotes and verify that you are over the age of 13. This reflects the Old Testament idea expressed in Exodus, Chapter 21: 23–25: "But if any harm follow, thou shalt give life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe." city’s very laws and freedoms will be forfeit. Act 4, Scene 1: Shylock and Antonio appear before the Duke of Venice. Portia looks at the bond and urges Shylock to accept three times the amount of the loan. Shakespeare’s Sources for Merchant of Venice, Read a translation of Course Hero, Inc. As a reminder, you may only use Course Hero content for your own personal use and may not copy, distribute, or otherwise exploit it for any other purpose. that his desires be greeted with the same respect. Portia assures him that he is as ’fair’ as any of his suitors and he will get an equal chance as … Thus, while Portia bends the rules of spirit” (IV.i.11). Shylock Just as some Christians hate Instead, her father created three caskets from among which each suitor must choose. Shylock’s His blood is as red as that of any other suitor. Enter the DUKE, the Magnificoes, ANTONIO, BASSANIO, GRATIANO, SALERIO, and others. The Merchant of Venice Act 4 Summary The vengeful Shylock takes Antonio to court, demanding a pound of his flesh. Duke: I am sorry for thee : thou art come to answer A stony adversary, an inhuman wretch to judge in his stead. His two friends leave after Bassanio, Graziano and Lorenzoarrive. A different moneylender might have shown Antonio mercy when asked; a different moneylender might never have asked for a pound of flesh as collateral. She goes on to respond to Shylock's calls for justice by saying, "That in the course of justice none of us/Should see salvation. This is the scene where Shylock is to take his forfeiture from Antonio. His friends Salerio and Solanio attempt to cheer him up by telling him that he is only worried about his ships returning safely to port. Summary and Analysis Act III: Scene 4 Summary At Belmont, following the departure of Bassanio, Lorenzo commends Portia for her perfect understanding … Shylock demands fulfillment of the letter of their contract, and Antonio believes it is pointless to argue or try to reason with Shylock. for death” (IV.i.113–114). We do pray for mercy." clerk, and gives the duke a letter from Bellario. Antonio thanks the Duke for doing what he … The Duke of Venice tells Antonio how sorry he is about all this, but Antonio insists that he would rather suffer than see the law diminished. his knife, anticipating a judgment in his favor, and Gratiano accuses The Duke and other wealthy members of society enter, along with Antonio, Bassanio, Gratiano, and Salerio. They insist on giving her some payment for her trouble, and she takes Bassanio's gloves. 3 Apr. 3 What is the main message of the Merchant of Venice? He boasts that many men fear him and many virgins love him. be done, Antonio will respond to Shylock’s rage “with a quietness Summary. he be allowed to share in it. Shylock agrees, but it is likely his agreement is only superficial. Get the eBook on Amazon to study offline. of the court, her decision is nonetheless legally accurate. Antonio is brought before the Duke and the magnificoes of Venice to stand trial for failing to pay off his obligation to Shylock. Portia says this directly in her speech to Shylock. Act II, Scene One The Prince of Morocco meets with Portia and tells her that he’s often considered very handsome on account of his black skin. in its entirety. Antonio has been melancholy from the play’s beginning, and now he for her character because she alone has the strength to wield it. The scene is of a court in Venice. desirable effect of bringing everyone else down with him. The It may be a punishment for Bassanio telling Antonio he would be willing to sacrifice his own wife to save Antonio's life. is not so much attacking the Venetian worldview as demanding that A summary of Part X (Section1) in William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice. not bound to please thee with my answers” (IV.i.64). Venice would refuse to set their human property free, Shylock will into the courtroom and addresses him, saying that he believes that Shylock and Antonio appear before the Duke of Venice. Copyright © 2016. It is Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. Shylock represents this point of view. (2017, February 27). intentions and says that should the court deny him his right, the The Duke expresses sympathy for a having an enemy that is as empty of mercy as Shylock. Course Hero, "The Merchant of Venice Study Guide," February 27, 2017, accessed April 3, 2021, It is impossible for Shylock to take his pound of flesh without spilling blood, so Shylock is found guilty of conspiring to commit murder against a citizen of Venice. You can view our. Just as some Christians
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